September 1, 2018
September 1, 2018 is a Saturday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 3.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On September 1
Topics Created On September 1, 2018
- Pluto transits 🌚
So Pluto has been for some years now in Capricorn and currently is in 19° exactly conjuct my Ascendant in 19° Capricorn.
I have an interesting story to tell you about Pluto transiting all of my personal planets in Capricorn the past few years.
Pluto we
- paranormal gifs
Dastard deleted and we lost "the third tier GIF" thread, and I really think some of these masterpieces should be collected and contemplated.
So this is a place for all those GIF pics that aren't like the rest of us
- Free speech is the end of humanity.
Just let me get this out before you type. I can hear faces smacking into keyboards already.
Free speech is one of the biggest flaws in most society's, especially in USA. There was a time free speech was fine, back when people actually had sense. But now
- Are all Aqua's, trouble makers
So over the years I've noticed a theme with Aqua's....they love to find out your secrets and use that info to twist it negatively and turn it into ways to either tell on you to a superior to gain favour or create tension between other people and you. This
- Men, men everywhere!
This gem is busy! For me men are not a huge part of my life. However recently I seem to be surrounded by them, (some fleeting and others not so much...okay its more a hi and bye kind of thing).
But something strange is happening, I usually have small cru
- Cap woman
Ok so lately at work. I have been getting vibes from two cap ladies that they are interested in me. I am a Leo Virgo cusp woman. They both know I am gay, and I catch them staring at me, one more than the other. Almost to a point where I have to wonder doe
- Chinese astrology anybody?
Chinese astrology is amazing and works flawlessly with our western signs. I'm surprised not more people give it the time of day. There's no mistaking certain signs. Year of the Rat's are so cunning and I wish I could be one. Us tigers are so prone to gett
- Capricorns girls i need help
Hello capricorns,
I need help dealing with this capricorn that i met her in my friend is party,she is smart and cute .
I asked her to help with something and she accepted,we had really fun and she was a little bit touchy haha but she had a very serious
- Help with cancer man
Hello, can someone help me who has experiance with cancer man?
(Sorry for not so good english)
My man and I were together 1y and he broke up and not contacted me 2mnths and when I contacted him we got back together but it wasnt the same. We broke up month
- Cancer woman date #2.
Thought it went really well, but slightly skeptical of a 3rd date happening.
We went to do an indoor putt-putt in black light. Looked super childish but it was actually very fun. Was 18 holes, I won, and we kissed a little after that (and she initiated
- Pisces Full moon what skeletons came out the closet?
So the Pisces full moon was very interesting. It was revealed with two people I know that their partners was cheating on them.
Anyone else have secrets that came out with the Pisces full moon.
- Can Leo Men Give You Space Just As Easily As Him Asking For Space?
I’ve been talking with a Leo man for the past 6 months. He’s gonna be with his family for the next couple of days for Labor Day. Since he was going to be busy I told him that I’m going to take this time to be to myself for awhile to self reflect n see wha
- My Scorpio boyfriend left me for his baby mama will he come back?
Thanks for taking the time to answer my question appreciate it .
I am heart broken and depressed and devastated.I been with my now (ex) boyfriend for 1 year who is a wonderful person very kind and down to earth ..when we first got together he told me tha
- My Scorpio boyfriend left me for his baby mama well he come back ?
Thanks for taking the time to answer my question appreciate it .
I am heart broken and depressed and devastated.I been with my now (ex) boyfriend for 1 year who is a wonderful person very kind and down to earth ..when we first got together he told me tha