April 1, 2018
April 1, 2018 is a Sunday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 7.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsTopics Created On April 1, 2018
- Women and sex control over men
Having read all these threads about cheating men bastards I want to have men to step up and tell their stories of their married/attached lives when women just manipulate them by withholding sex and keeping men high and dry just because they can!
And th
- Happy Easter!
Grab your bunnies and eggs! It's time for a new beginning!
- Thought she's leaving you for Dubai, buddy...
Or is this another chick?
- Leo sun Taurus Moon and Aries sun Virgo moon compatibility?
- Is personality more important than physical appearance in relationships?
Hi. There's a guy I like but I think he likes my personality and not my physical appearance. I get along so well with him and he enjoys spending time with me because he's always the initiator when we start talking. For some reason he never asked me out an
- Leos, what do you guys think of Aries people in your life?
Do you like them? Hate them? Share your experiences. I'm curious. :)
- Will a Libra Guy would tell you frankly if he is no longer interested?
- Do Aqua men ever chase?
After all the bad shit they put the other person through.. doe they ever come back after being so cold and harsh when they finally realize things? And if so, how hard to they chase?
- Empathy Vs Codependency
As a Virgo heart & a Fish ego I find myself torn. My heart says "whoa slow down there, cowboy", but my ego says "emotional turmoil is life's way saying HEY YOU'RE ALIVE!!!".
These are 10 of the most telling signs you're in a codependent relationship, a
- Getting an Aquarius man back?
I was lucky enough to have a committed Aquarius man for 8 months (the longest since his divorce apparently). He did care for me and was loyal. He’d been under a lot of stress and suddenly ended it 5 days ago. Saying he needed to simplify his life. I was c
- Just a vent
End of Last year I went out with a guy 4 times, we slept together once and to my surprise he ghosted me. It took me a little while (about a month) to realize that was what was happening. I spent a bit of that time wondering why when we seemed to hit it of
- Is it true that the most beautiful women get asked out the least?
And how does it differ based on age group. Like in high school versus a work setting? Is it due to them being too intimidating due to their planets or something 🤔
- I hate people too much.
My dad was in the hospital. He has issues with his heart that he needs to be concerned about. He also may have sleep apnea, but he still doesn't change his diet. Yesterday we got into an argument and he kept saying "let me be." and other stupid bullshit.
- Pisces and humor
Do Pisces known for having a good sense of humor?
If not - what kind of humor they possess and how do they dealing with the kind they don’t ‘get’?
- What repulses which sign in appearance
You’ve met, you’ve liked each other, you’ve decided it’s time for sex.
Partner undressing and...oops!
There is something about their body that makes you say ‘I am sorry, I know someone just going to call and say that something bad happened...’ grabbin