January 30, 2023
January 30, 2023 is a Monday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 11.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On January 30
Topics Created On January 30, 2023
- How to handle a libra from a divorced parent family ?
A libra girl has a divorced parent family, she grows up in a single mother family. So she does not believe in marriage.
It seems she only knows how to attract man, but don't know how to keep a man. She acts too too too independent.
How to make her bel
- Is it a deal breaker for you if..
Your current partner used to live with her/his ex? I'm from a very Conservative background so this is somewhat a deal breaker in my culture but I'm curious how other people see it.
Say you're dating a girl now and she told you she lived with her ex for 8
- Should I not bother?
Hey Sags just wanted your input on whether I should pursuit a friendship with this Sag woman or not.
Long story short we were really close friends (almost inseparable) then we got together (this was on and off and a chaotic mess). When it ended she trie
- Is there such thing as being “too old” to cry? 😭
Hi everyone,
I’m a sensitive and emotional crab 🦀 and I’m in my mid thirties. Lately, whenever I cry over something I feel pathetic. Like I should suck it up and act like a grown woman because I’m not a little girl. I don’t cry all the time but I can get