December 1, 2019
December 1, 2019 is a Sunday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 7.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On December 1
Topics Created On December 1, 2019
- Do Scorpio men wait for women to ask them out?
just curious.
coz i have this scorpio sun/cap moon co-worker and i tried to encourage him to ask out one of his crushes at work (this guy talks big game and seems to crush on every pretty girl at work) and he told me he won't coz it's an 'ego thing' for
- What zodiac sign are you and what zodiac sign do you wish you were ?
- Dating women made me understand men
I do feel for guys on this
- Teach me about Pisces
I’ve been dating one for two months. Slow moving, but it’s good. He’s not one with the rose colored glasses that I’ve read a lot of Pisces are like. What’s important to know about dating these men? Share your knowledge 🙂
- Dating a Capricorn Venus person
Good morning ladies and gentlemen. Once again I find a Venus in Capricorn lady interested. We’ve been somewhat dating for a few weeks now and it’s truly amazing how just alike she is to a previous Venus in Capricorn woman I was married to, so having sai
- Being in a serious relationship
Is a big serious "life" decsion that I think people take lightly. I've noticed alot of women are always trying to trick men into this scenario with diff tactics. I think the way relationships affect me causes me to be very patient & very selective.
- Just too cool
- Scorpio Men and Aquarius Women
Hello guys! So I’ve never been really aware of the characteristics of people based on their zodiacs not until I met 3 Scorpio men. The first one, we dated for 4 years, the other one for 2 years and the one we just had 1 day date. I am an Aquarius Woman wh
- Confused By Cancer Woman
I'm a Capricorn woman and she's a Cancer woman. We were together almost a year and ended up breaking up because we both had some things we needed to handle going on in our lives and we were unable to devote a lot of time to the relationship. We still ta
- Roughness
I am pretty big woman and I am very feminine and my appearance is of ‘decent women’ but my man is...huge!
He is also so strong that it could be dangerous.
I am finding it super sexy. Intoxicatingly nuts!
But he is very careful while sex.
He once went cr