September 1, 2019
September 1, 2019 is a Sunday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 22.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On September 1
Topics Created On September 1, 2019
- Back to Rock
I am back to listening to a Classic Rock and whatever is going on in pop world I am totally unaware just doesn’t seem like anything measuring up.
Am I wrong and there are great pop singer/performers that do measure up to Rock?
Last one
- Sincerity
this may be petty or bratty but..
what do you think about people who claim to love you but always forgets things about you and what you like?
say he loves giving you flowers but it's always the wrong kind (your fave are peonies). this just a small examp
- Opening up to others
Does anyone have any ideas on how to help someone feel more comfortable on being open with others? The person I'm thinking of hides a lot of things ....stuff isn't's secretive and has been hard on relationships past and present.
- Hey Virguys! Do you approach your love at all?
Concerning love and relationships, would you rather follow your heart even when it's a bit complicated and unpredictable,
or would you rather choose the comfy way and not take any risks?
If so, what would need to happen to make you dare to follow your hea
- Aries women who are damaged goods,play the field and have bad soul ties.
Could be any woman but Aries always toy with this word,loyalty. if they trying to get over an ex who emotionally unavailable they end up making bad decisions to the point they have 4 guys,1.the boyfriend(who thinks she is loyal- he is very busy), 2 the ni
- Damn Leo's....
I emailed my ex yesterday. We haven't talked since May. I just wished him happy hunting this season and hope he gets the elk he always wanted. He repsoned.
(Didn't think he would ) and just told me how he came close to and was going on a week long trip o
- Witty sayings
They call it a ‘selfie’ because ‘narcissistie’ Is hard to spell...😂
- Why is it so hard for me to love someone?
Hey everyone,
some information about me:
-sun in gemini
-moon in tarus
-rising in taurus
-mercury in cancer
-venus in gemini
-mars in gemini
The rest of my chart is on my profile:)
So I've noticed its kinda hard for me to love someone, I'm always crush
- BF(for now)
Ok! Your chart is nuts!!! We’ve meant to be together...fuck the ring...lets just do without. I can’t stand those squeezing not dangling shit...(see, there is saving already👍)
Ok. Now you MUST tell me WTF is wrong with you men?
What’s Aries secret and ho
- Money saving meals
Does anyone have any tips on cheap meals that are healthy?
I need to start paying more attention to what I cook and cost. All the meals I found online that are cheap are really unhealthy.
Or- is there a way to cook or shop where I save a lot of money. I
- Growth - out of depression
Once I used to cry for hours each day. All I felt was hurt.
This is years ago.
Now I rarely cry those long hours and sometimes almost even find it hard to cry, because I know, that it's not that bad, things will change, time will work it's magic, I am m
- Am I cum? You too...
Just read on FB:
Respect your ancestors
You are result of thousands loves
And it hit me!!! So I am an old cum!!!
Fuck FB!!!🖕🖕🖕👈
- What's up with this friend?
I wrote about her in my previous post, but there's more now and I wanted to keep it short and ask what is her issue now as IM very close to cutting her off from my life as I feel like im not getting a good vibe from her:
So....we're both females & ha