February 1, 2019
February 1, 2019 is a Friday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 6.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On February 1
Topics Created On February 1, 2019
- Sexuality Mars, Venus, Moon, Eros in combination
How would that make him? What would psyche add to that as in our inner soul.
Mars Aries 10th house
Venus Leo 1st house
Moon Sagittarius 5th house
Eros Taurus 10th house
Psyche Scorpio 5th house
Mars Libra 9th house
Venus Leo 8th house
Moon S
- What might point to someone with a Jekyll & Hyde personality?
Outside of obvious gemini placements in the natal. Someone who can be the calmest, kindest, most pacifistic person you know but also have a split personality as like a street fighter or serious delinquent and you'd never know.
- Virgo Male INTEREST...What are the signs???
Someone please help a girl out. I'm dealing with a virgo male (august 26), and I am CLUELESS lol.
We talk in person and have great conversations, we like the same things and have similar hobbies so we talk about that a lot, and just small talk and someti
- Taurus man relationship concerns?
I've known my taurus man for 4 years. We were in an on and off relationship 2 years ago, dated people when we stopped talking, and now are back together. He has tried to come back to me every year to which I gave him no chance with as I was with somebody
- Desire to Teach
While Aqua treata me as his equal, he is always wanting to teach me or experience new things.this is anything from art, food, work or simple hobbies.
Its a good for my moon, I enjoy the endless sharing we have.
Curious WHY he does this? Is it an express
- Libra boyfriend needs attention from other girls
I have been dating this libra guy for 3 months, he is super caring, always makes time for me and introduces me to everybody like his girlfriend. but he has a lot of female friends, but they are not friends, just girls pining after him and he writes to the
- Aries Samurai. I love it.
- Pisces men and loyalty
So, I have a long distance relationship going on with a lovely Pisces man. We started talking in March 2018 and first met August 2018. We started as friends but things soon escalated into more, by which the Pisces told me that at that point he couldn't of
- You experienced this??
Sign that can ruin your life:-
Aries: cancer
Taurus: sagittarius
Gemini: pisces
Cancer: leo
Leo: aquarius
Virgo: scorpio
Libra: gemini
Scorpio: aries
Sagittarius: virgo
Capricorn: they ruin their lives themselves
Aquarius: Taurus
Pisces: libra
- Any other Aquarius gets overwhelmed and overthink when someone you like cuts you off?
When someone I like / care about either a friendship or a relationship I tend to think to much and study scenarios in my head of what could of happen or how can I fix the situation, and It takes me mad long to get that person off my head.
Anybody else st
- Not The Sexiest Subject But...
I had a question for any gym rats in here. I have metal plates and rods in my legs from an accident 9 years agao.
I have been hesitant to go to the gym to work out because I am scared doing it could mess the plates and rods up and cause an infection in