June 1, 2019
June 1, 2019 is a Saturday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 1.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On June 1
Topics Created On June 1, 2019
- Help with a hot and cold virgo man?
I'm a gemini and I've been friends with this virgo for almost a year, we recently met for the first time three weeks ago and i was really shy but he was sweet, we message eachother on the daily and he says he appreciates me and today he was worried becaus
- Stumped when it comes to vocational astrology
What are you all's tips on figuring out career/vocation through astrology? I find I am able to help others with this, but I'm stumped with my own chart.
- Hot and cold rebound Virgo Sun, Gemini Moon, Virgo Venus, Virgo Mars man
So I met this early-30s man (Virgo sun, Capricorn rising, Gemini Moon, Virgo Venus, Virgo Mars ). I am female, mid-20s, (Taurus Sun, Virgo rising, Aquarius Moon, Aries Venus, Leo Mars) online. We seem to have a lot of banter and the conversation flowed pr
- Netflix: "When they see us"
Anybody watch this? Thoughts?
- Tough women of Dxp
WTF is with women who are so ‘mighty’ and ‘tough’ and ‘doing people favors by not killing them’ and being so proud of their families who are ‘thugs’?🤷♀️
WHAT TA FUCK is so cool about all this shit you are saying? Are you all from ghetto and projects?
- Inconsistency does he like me or not
Scorpio woman here wanting your take on this taurus man.
Taurus man and I are in the early stages. He's a complete gentleman, attentive (in person), etc. Due to our day to day work we don't really see each other like that. My only issue is inconsistency
- Which signs are best a hiding being a whore?