March 1, 2019
March 1, 2019 is a Friday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 7.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On March 1
Topics Created On March 1, 2019
- Fetishes
What are some of yours?
- ...views from your rooftop...
- Post Your Hands, Forearms, Legs, or Butts
Post your photos, gentlemen. Please and thank you. 😊
- Post Your Third Eye
Or more.
No buttholes please.
- Candace Owens makes me proud to be a Taurus
I agree with some of her political views, others, I may disagree with.....
However, her 'take-no-sh*t/no nonsense approach' makes me proud to be a Taurus.
...and I'm not even a Trump Supporter.....
- Post your uvula
Because I have a uvula fetish.
- Post your bank account number
Help a girl out?
- Double deprivation
Serious talk time, gentlemen.
What’s the deal with not wanting to DP a lady? I heard a rumor that mainly it’s hetero men who have issues with this (because junk rubs against another brother’s junk), but I don’t have enough sexually attractive, trustworth
- How to tell if a virgo is not over his ex??/
How would you be able to tell if a virgo isnt over his ex?
My virgo interest has seems fine and all, he's not in contact with his ex as far as I know, but once recently we were discussing music, and a song he loved at the moment he mentioned, and its a s
- Bunny Vocaroos
to be posted either tomorrow or the following day
- Wanting consistency
I understand bulls need to see consistency in a potential partner. My bull has said he is interested in me, mentioned how I get on with his family and friends but still seemed a little uncertain possibly?
My question refers to the fact that I try my best
- A Chip
Why do males and females constantly use sex as a method of control?
Do people seriously have no idea how to make love or be inmate with each other anymore?
It's all about seeing how long you can withhold it from someone? Only doing it when it's "earne
- Drunk question
How come bright lights are so exciting when you’re drunk?
Like I went to Shreveport for my bday and got super drunk before going to a casino and once we got to the slot machines I was mentally having the time of my life watching all the pretty flashing l
- Pisces do you check your e-mail often? I wrote her a love letter.
The Pisces that I tripped on mushrooms with, who I had not so pleasant a conversation when we last spoke through text about 4 months ago, her birthday was the 26th. I sent her a letter through e-mail. Just a happy birthday letter, telling her how wonderfu
- Confusing Capricorn man
Hello Capricorns,
I met this guy last year in October but I was probably on his radar earlier than that. He wasn't on mine till October. The first 3 dates last year was a bust, but I maintained peace and we are "friendly".
*We have great conversations,
- I Dont Care And Neither Should You..
For the people here that are not drinkers do you all run into this problem when out with a group of friends at a bar?
So, when someone offers to buy you a drink, and you decline saying you dont drink, do your friends all of a sudden get weird and awkward
- The Reason I Have Not Been In a Committed Relationship
Is because I feel like I'm waiting on somebody....
And I don't tell nobody this;
But I keep having these reoccurring dreams.. Or should I say - this reoccurring person in my dreams that's a woman..
I tried to talk about it before over the summer, but s
- What on earth does he mean?
So my bull told me we would be great together. He’s attracted to me, knows we will have a great sex life and I’m close to his family etc but can’t see himself with me for 10-15 years but about 4...huh? So he will just wake up in Year 4 and walk out? It ma