April 1, 2019
April 1, 2019 is a Monday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 8.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsTopics Created On April 1, 2019
- Hotel Mumbai as 2019 Film of the Year
I saw Hotel Mumbai last night.
In a fair world, this film would win all of the awards.
- Cut my Aquarius friend off today and it was surprisingly one of the hardest things I have ever done.
I’m going to miss him, but I don’t think he values me as a person yet alone a friend. I hate when I make decisions like this because I always second-guess them so I’m wondering if I did the right thing, but not allowing myself to be kept as a pawn or a
- I have good News!
- Does scorpio guy wants to keep distance with me?
Is it like if scorp guy don't have intrest in me and if I stick to him sometimes will he try to avoid me or ignore me so that we dont get in much contact.
- Dating Virgo woman while I am Libra
Hello everyone,
First off I’d like to say this community taught me a lot and I’m glad this forum exists to help people so thank you!
Okay, here’s my situation so any help would be appreciated. I met this Virgo girl online. After a few weeks of chatting
- Lauren London
RIP Nipsey Hussel (leo)
A saggie has lost her boo. She had a baby with him and only saw the future with him.
She loves him.
With jupiter in sagittarius, this is hard to take. Wheres the good shyt?
Please find some joy Lauren
- Scorpio guy changed behaviour, is he avoiding me?
So I love this scorpio guy (he is my friend) and unfortunately he just indirectly friendzoned me. Lol.
Recently he ran upto me sorting out our issues since we both were not in talking terms. Since then he started venting out about how miserable and worst
- CC come over here
- Aquarius fixed impossibility (therapy edition)
So, I have an Aqua BFF who for various valid reasons generally has a hard time meeting me halfway when it comes to hanging out, plans, time and resources. She has shut-in tendencies but is an extrovert so it makes it 10X harder for her to truly feel socia