November 1, 2019
November 1, 2019 is a Friday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 6.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On November 1
Topics Created On November 1, 2019
- HELP ME! Gemini x Taurus
HELP! This Gemini guy (21) tried to pursue me for an entire year. Initially he’d say I’m smart, ask me out on dates, and ask my friends about me. He was consistent. Although I liked him I had no intentions of dating or having sex bc I felt we were incompa
- How to use Quantum Physics to Make Your Dreams Your Reality
- Aries guy dating is love with me but doesn't want a relationship should I date other guys and keep i
This guy I have been dating for 2 months who is an aries sun, virgo moon and taurus venus says he loves me but is not in the place where he needs to be in life for a relationship (he also said he was angry with himself that he couldn't be his full self w
- Most bloodsucking signs
- Do Leo males not like pisces?
This leo male I know cant stand pisces. Hes not even into astrology but I know all of the different birthdays. For different pisces he says only women who would talk to them are ones that feel sorry for them.
- Ps5 or Xbox Scarlett?
Ps5 expected to release anywhere between October and December 2020
Scarlett sometime the same as Ps5.
Which one are you buying and why?
- And I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaack!! !
Did anybody miss me?
- My mum forgot to turn off the wifi!
Who's available for chatting?
Just kidding... I'm sleeping in few minutes
See y'all tomorrow! I miss you folks!
- Greek Mythology
Personally I'm a huge fan of Greek mythology and my country has centuries old ties with Greece.
The term - medicine is derived from Medea, Colchian Lady, who was the daughter of king Aeëtes of Colchis. She used to heal people using herbs and according t
- Cooking a Steak
Does anyone know how to cook a good steak? Everytime I try, they get dry or tough. I wanna know how you guys do it?
- Do Virgo women ever come back
Hi, desperate for advice don't know anything about rising sun moons things.
Me - Male 42 August Leo
Her - Female 37 September Virgo
Been together 19 years, I was her first and only boyfriend. In general relationship was good, same ups and downs as an
- Would you accept your someoneon Facebook after he/she deleted you twice?
So my boyfriend deleted me from Facebook for the second time after we had a fight last week. The thing is that the day after we fought were able to fix things and got back together (he was the one that apologized and wanted us to be back) but he hasn't ad
- Would you accept someone on Facebook after he/she deleted you twice?
So my boyfriend deleted me from Facebook for the second time after we had a fight last week. The thing is that the day after we fought were able to fix things and got back together (he was the one that apologized and wanted us to be back) but he hasn't ad
- Help
Hi all, new to this but just looking for some guidance.
I’ve been getting to know a Capricorn male for just over a month now, we’ve talked all day every day and I never thought he was going to ask me out and then he finally asked me to go for coffee. All