December 10, 2020
December 10, 2020 is a Thursday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 8.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On December 10
Topics Created On December 10, 2020
- Scorpio= the lesser moon?
It seems a lot of moon signs are strong even when expressed through moon only, which is an instinctual type of energy and not the dominant. However, Scorp moons are a mystery. They dont act like Scorpio.. has this been your experience.
With Aries moon, I
- Moved to a new place and don't know anyone
What are things to do? I'm in USA btw I moved 50mi away from my hometown. Not really sure how to meet new people, from y'alls exp what has helped you ease loneliness and boredom after moving somewhere new??