December 8, 2020
December 8, 2020 is a Tuesday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 6.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On December 8
Topics Created On December 8, 2020
- Why Sag women don't end up with fire sign men often.
I noticed in my circle and also in seeing the men that Sag women commonly ended up with, it usually went:
1. Air signs (preferably Gemini)
2. Water signs (definitely Cancer)
3. Fire signs (Sags and Aries happen enough, Leos are unheard of for long-term
- Scorpio penis vs Leo penis
Average Scorpio penis: 9 inches
Average Leo penis: 3 inches
Confirmed by my Gemini girlfriends (32 of them).
Is this because of DNA or Astrology?
- New Season, New Videos 💥Moon/Pluto Synastry🌕
Issa bout high time, I got back to my astrology videos.
I 💚 recommendations
✨Thanks for watching ✨
If anyone wants to check out my infamous 2020 Christmas Tree 🎄
- My birthdayyyy
Hola peeps.
For my birthday, I wanna hear some positivity. What have you guys been doing for others, for no reason other than to help another human bean.
I give extra food from the meals I cook to neighbors - idk if I'll ever know how to cook for one
- If {2020 YOU} could tell {2019 YOU} something, what would it be?
If the 2020 version of you right now could go back to 2019 and tell yo ass something, what would it be?
Obviously we could all go back to our happy 2019 selves and tell us “a virus is going to come and ruin the whole worlds life and people are gonna die
- Why do you drool...
..over sweat pant penis imprints but not dick pics?
Mars please.