December 11, 2020
December 11, 2020 is a Friday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 9.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On December 11
Topics Created On December 11, 2020
- As much as Leo men and Sag women lack compatibility long-term
I have got to say, when it comes to casual sex and sleeping around, this has to be one of the best matches in the zodiac. Found it odd that of the Sag women I know who openly talked about their sex life and the men they had been with, how many said their
- Aries Man- Pisces Man and Woman
I'm an Aries man- March 25. Libra Moon. Gemini ASC.
I was hung up on a Pisces girl for a very very long time. Her stats are Feb 23, Virgo Moon. Gemini ASC. She liked to play games and knew I was into her, she also liked to flirt with other guys. I final
- What are your thoughts?
Background details: I’ve known this guy for 5 years. We’ve always had a unique friendship. We have deep conversations and bomb sex. Just recently I’ve started to crush on him. So I went for it and told him. He replied. Let me know what you think. Am I wro
- Virgo men ???
Hello everyone. I'm new here. Anyways what's the deal with virgo men?
Why are they always alone?
Why are they always single?
They don't even seem to be excited by women, neither do they go out of their way for the company of men? What do they care about?
- Monogamy and attraction/emotion...
1. What role do you believe attraction and emotions play in one's ability to be monogamous?
2. Which of the following do you believe is less likely to be monogamous based on your answer to #1?
a. Straight woman
b. Straight man
c. Bisexual woman
d. Bisex