December 13, 2020
December 13, 2020 is a Sunday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 11.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On December 13
Topics Created On December 13, 2020
- Can I ask what you think about this natal chart?
What to look for or pay attention to?
- Male Taurus after Female Pisces advice
I'm going to try to keep this short. I work with this extremely wonderful lady and we ended up on a project together. I noticed her thought she was attractive but never in my mind would even consider getting involved with a coworker. We were in a lot of m
- Virgos & Heartbreak... Curing the Disease...
-I'll speak for myself, but I find that many of my fellow Virgos tend to agree when push comes to shove. How does a Virgo handle heartbreak you ask??? By trying to reason with you initially, however after the card are dealt, we tend to intentionally disap
- Which synastry is better?
- What are your thoughts about Sun in Cancer with Gemini Venus?
Would a person who has Venus in Gemini and a lot of Cancer placements be less flighty? As you know Venus in Gemini has a difficult time being committed in relationships. Would this be less likely if the person has a lot of Cancer in their chart? I'm askin
- Are you taking them jab?
Looks like America is starting to vaccinate this month. So who is getting in to have it?
Why? Why not?
- Have you met your twin flame? & how do I get him tf out of my energy.
I’m pretty sure I met mine. Since the day we met we were energetically pulled together, we never hung out at first but when we finally did we hit off. It was a tug of war, I always brushed him off, & he also got irritated with me really easily. I thin