December 27, 2020
December 27, 2020 is a Sunday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 7.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On December 27
Topics Created On December 27, 2020
- Four Horseman
Do you think they have arrived or at least some of them?
Plague - COVID - this rider is here
Death - COVID - this rider is here
Famine - COVID - this ride just left his stable
Behold the white horse...
- What’s going on with Libras?
Recently I’ve noticed Libras to be extremely passive aggressive and emo-tion-al *rolls eyes*
I’ve always found you guys to be impulsive and easily angered but this is a more annoying. Is some planet in retrograde, a 2020 thing or are these common traits a
- Libra ex...
So there is a libra ex of mines who hit me up a while back and I brushed him off kind of. I decided to reach out and suggest drinks. He’s not much of a texter so he replied with the 👌🏾. Meaning? Then he was like we can call each other about it. Is he expe
- Holiday Engagements?!
I haven’t seen any posts yet on dxp.
Anyone got proposed to?
- What movie genre do you like? And what’s your sign?
I’m a Cancer and I’m into romantic movies and childish movies, like Disney type of movies. It sounds odd but I don’t know why I’m into those movies. I’m like a little girl inside ☺️
Every time I want to watch something I chose those types of movie genres