January 8, 2015
January 8, 2015 is a Thursday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 8.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On January 8
Topics Created On January 8, 2015
- signs that a Taurus truly likes you?
What are some signs that a Taurus guy is truly into you? Will he go so far as to say he needs you in his life? I have
- Calling all Virgo Ascendant !!
sun Taurus moon Taurus Ascendant Virgo mer aries Mars pisces Venus Taurus Have anyone had any successful
- The 3rd Annual Battle of the Brains Competitions
So, apparently, the 2nd annual BOTB Competitions slated in 2014 was cancelled (just like Miss Universe 2014 so this is p
- my pisces ma
A man from my past. we recently got back into contact and I'm not gonna lie, we click. we have amazing conversation,
- best way to apologise to a cancer man ?
Ok so I've injured a cancer man's heart who loved me with every ounce. (I withheld information and angry text basically
- any yogis?
- Warm Winter Drinks for Each Sign
Cuddling up to a hot winter drink on a cold winter night makes you feel good. And when you feel good, you make others fe
- First date with Scorpio man! Secretive or honest?
I'm a aries girl. 2 weeks ago I met a guy when I was in train. I needed his phone to make a call even if we don't know e
- PSA: Venus & Love
The first secret to know about an *any zodiac sign* in love is simply that it does NOT refer to a *sun-sign* person. Onl
- What are some things a guy wants from a girl?
Yeah I know sex is important..So I believe the longer I stay single the longer I am missing out..and tend to not know...
- Fellow crabs, do you fall in love easily...
... or does it take awhile? I always fall hard and fast, and it's annoying. I'm a Cancer sun, moon, and Mars; Capr
- Confusing: Virgo man avoiding eye contact
I have a question. My boss is a virgo male. He is very fun and friendly with all. He likes to talkand make jokes and hav
- Happy Birthday to King Capricorn
- No birthday gifts
That kind of sucks!! My b-day gift is one week after Christmas. The only b-day gift I got was from my parents. I sit
- How to fall out of love with this Virgo
Before you respond: if you have nothing nice to say, please don't say it all. Thanks in advance I'm a capricorn, my g
- Refocusing
Hey my fellow taureans! So I am in the process of letting go of someone I care for. What are some ways yall refocus o
- Pisces with aqua placements
Any of you guys are fishes with venus, mars, or moons in aqua? How do you describe this combination? How do you deal w
- I got a question
Air signs are very very hard to pin down. But once they fall for you, they find it hard to let go/give up on you...(read
- How to know if a Libra guy really likes you?
I met this Libra guys about 6-7 months ago. He is a part of my weekly volleyball team. From the beginning on he was flir
- DXP Battle 3: Taurus vs Scorpios
Object is to guess the price of each alcohol. Each item will be taken individually and added up and the closest differen
- DXP Battle 3: Taurus vs Scorpios
Object is to guess the price of each alcohol. Each item will be taken individually and added up and the closest differen