January 20, 2015
January 20, 2015 is a Tuesday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 11.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On January 20
Topics Created On January 20, 2015
- I need revenge on a cancer male... Suggestions?
So how do you ruin literally i mean ruin a cancer male? He's done some bad things to my girlfriend that have left her sc
- Stuffed
- Can you fight back Geminis?if you decided not why?
I have a close gemini friend and i notice she is easily being taken advantage off. She has a friend that constantly lett
- Scorpio - emotions and their extremes
So to give you some details about me: Scorpio Male planet sign degree motion Sun Scorpio 0?_31'14 in house
- multpile posts
ok. something weird happened. Really didn't mean to make so many posts. please clean up the duplicates. think my bro
- Pisces with Sag Ascendant
I have a Pisces sun, Sagittarius rising and moon in Cancer. I notice the fire a lot sometimes more than the water, what'
- Venus in Aries
I'm a pisces sun with Venus in Aries, I think this is why my sex drive is so high, lol anyone else have this placement a
- What makes Leo's awesome ?
Robert Plant is a Leo, also the greatest 70s rock singer and all time greatest vocalists. Slash is such an iconic musici
- what kind of person would you interpret me as ?
sun: pisces ascendant: sagittarius moon: cancer mercury: aquarius venus: aries mars: pisces jupiter: capricorn s
Sun in Aries ASC in Cancer Moon in Cancer Venus in Pisces Is there anyone else who has this placement. Or can in
- Aries woman and Pisces man couple ?
I had a relationship with an aries last summer, probably the best relationship I've had yet..even though so many sites s
- Leo Venus and Mars
Someone with leo in venus and mars.. How would they act in relationships/friendships ? Would they have a vulnerab
- Sagittarius Rising Pisces (sun)
how would this effect my persona ? apparently rising effects how others perceive you..
- DXP Battle 5: Gemini vs Sagittarius
The winner wins 5 points and the loser loses 5 points http://www.dxpnet.com/opinion/miscellaneous/dxp-sign-war-2015-r
- DXP Battle 5: Gemini vs Sagittarius
The winner wins 5 points and the loser loses 5 points http://www.dxpnet.com/opinion/miscellaneous/dxp-sign-war-2015-r
- Guess for fun?
What possible planetary placements has the most hot-tempered/level-headed person?
- Cappy man very hot* and then suddenly silent
Can any Caps shed some light on this phenomenon? He's all over me and planning for the future when together, and the
- Venus and sexuality in a female horoscope
(H) What do we have to say for ourselves? I'm seriously wondering how accurate this is for everyone. ---- 1. Venus
- White Lies
Hello lovely Virgents and Virgals, I have a question to pose to you lot and hopefully you may be able to shed a bit o
- Men need to be women
Men Need to be Women: http://youtu.be/fq3pERmJzso
- Clueless Crabette?!?
Oh Pisces...oh how I love thee... but I just can't seem to get it right in either love or friendships so tell me what ar
- Cancer revenge mode!
How do you ruin a cancer? Someone who's scarred you badely and ruined you for money and took everything away from you? I
- Better to be single
These days it's better to be single than deal with bulllshit. I'm a cancer woman and these men I've dated in the past ar
- im seriously considering...
Ok ....here we go...I have this other Cancer ' friend' who is a cutie... I think he is really interested in me..... his
This is my Aries girl crush placement. Sun in Aries ASC in Cancer Moon in Cancer Venus in Pisces Is there any
- you scorps tried online dating
I can't form meaningful relationships like this... Online dating seems like an air or fire sign game. i wanted to se
- How do you feel about water signs??
Hi Gems! Just wondering what your dating/friendship been like with Water signs? What did you like best and least about h
- Help with interpreting my chart
- How's this combination?!
Girl: Sun-Gemini Venus-Cancer Mars-Taurus Moon-Aquarius Guy: Sun-Taurus Venus-Gemini Mars-Cancer Moon-Capr
- People think Scorpios are Wishy Washy?
I am a scorpio and my mother always tells me that I am wishy when it comes to people. But I'm really not. I hold people
- LMAO!!!! SO 1
PSYCHIC READING ABOUT MY PISCES EX I see him as a player he's interested in music , oral sex given to him ,and conne
- Breaking Down A Chart
What does each planet stand for or make what affect? I have already figured out that Mars and Venus have to do with the