January 17, 2015
January 17, 2015 is a Saturday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 8.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On January 17
Topics Created On January 17, 2015
- gone girl (possible spoiler)
Reading gone girl and the whole premise where she fucks him over like 1000 flaming suns sounds reasonable to me. I th
- Mma
Anyone give a shit?
- taking him back
hi need some help to get taurus guy back we've been hanging out each other for more than 5 months now we always hangout
Although at first glance adjacent signs (e.g. Aries and Taurus) seem to have little in common, in fact I think that it c
- what does it mean to dream the same dream
Hi, I have dreaming about my ex often and its the same scene. He was a coward and he ran away. There wasnt a proper clos
- Nodal axis
What are your honest opinions on and/or experiences with the North/South nodes? I find the whole concept somewhat...
- Libra trying to make me jealous
So...the libra sun scorp venus I dealt with in the past went out of his way to make me jealous at a bar last night. I
- What does it mean when
A cancer woman is suddenly open to you and the idea of more moments together? Sort of weirded out by this new behavior b
- More than once...
I cry like a baby, http://youtu.be/W6fcyTEqkeo
- help with cancer man
so i met this cancer man. first i wasnt interested in him because i had problems and issues of my own and he was really
- Why my Scorpio man is so impossible to deal with?
He can be very loving and tender, but sometimes he is ragely jealous and overbearing. I guess it's a Scorpio's trait so
- Superpowers?
I call dibs on telekinesis.
- Masculine and Feminine Signs
The Masculine signs: Aries,Leo,Sagittarius,Gemini,Libra and Aquarius. The Feminine Signs: Taurus,Cancer,Virgo,Caprico
- Why are Libra men attracted to Taurus Woman?
Hello everyone, I know why Taurus women are attracted to Libra men, (I am a Taurus women myself, and I just cannot he
- which zodiac is a perfect match for Aquarian femal
which zodiac is a perfect match for Aquarian female
- Can I take this gem girl's word seriously
background story: There is Gem A and Gem B. B is my ex. I met both of them at the same time and chose B. Now I'm back to
- How to resolve conflict with an Aqua guy
How to resolve conflict with an Aquarius guy if he won't let you both talk about anything remotely veering towards emoti
- Virgo Guy has asked me out at least 4 times
We met about 4 months ago in a English class we took together.I do like him and he keeps asking me to hang out. The only