January 27, 2015
January 27, 2015 is a Tuesday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 9.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On January 27
Topics Created On January 27, 2015
- Best friends
Of the opposite sex.. If you are in a relationship, can u trust your SO to have a BFF of the opposite sex? I have h
- is he playing games or its typical cancer trait?
After a lovely time together..... getting really close... making love, talking about our goals... him asking me to help
- Fuck, Marry,Kill: DXP Addition
Here's how it works. Give a user 3 people here, they'll pick which to marry, fuck and kill. Simple. FMK: Ducan, Gol
- I think too much! Help!
Does anyone of you think too much that you can't sleep anymore? I woke up at 3 am this morning to pee and can't go back
- The Badass: Moon Saturn aspect
http://youtu.be/wFYnv1g5iMQ Covers transits and synasty as well. Saturn/moon people roll call! Represent!
- whats going on in your head aqua man with scorpio
I'm in a relationship with an aqua man with a scorpio moon. Curious how does that scorpio moon play into your analyzing
- Good sources for learning about synastry?
Hi :) Does anyone have any good books or other sources in mind which would have in-depth information on relationship
- Fixed signs with scorpios
I don't know if any of the rest of you are like this but I've dated probably more than my fair share and now I'm getting
- Crab Knight
Okay, this is nuts. These last few threads make it look like being with a Crab will always end in a hot mess of a train
- scorpio & violence
Seen one too many scraps. However this one outside my window and it really got to me... It physically made me ill. I
- spoiler or hidden image?
I know how to post pictures but how do I post offensive pictures hidden in a spoiler button? Do I even need to worry
- DXP sign war 2015 Round 9
Aries- -4 Taurus-26 Gemini- -5 Cancer-8 Leo-5 Virgo-32 Libra-30 Scorpio-26 Sagittarius-5 Capricorn- -3 Aquariu
- What makes you melt?
What's someone done for you or given you that made your heart melt and your toes curl? Big or small, friendly or fam
- will my Scorpio ever come back to me ?
thanks for taking time to answer my question i really appreciate it . so i been with my baby father for two years an
- Leo man and Taurus woman compatibility?
I had this leo pursue me last year several times, after me rejecting him. His feelings were never hurt though, as we con
- That awkward moment when...his venus is in uranus.
- Virgo mars and Scorpio Mars compatibility?
Woman - Taurus with Libra rising, Virgo moon, and Taurus Venus Man - Libra Sun with Scorpio rising, Libra moon, and Sco
- Virgo mars and Scorpio Mars compatibility?
Woman - Taurus with Libra rising, Virgo moon, and Taurus Venus Man - Libra Sun with Scorpio rising, Libra moon, and Sco
- IMMEDIATE Prayer to St. Anthony
- A genuine question
So I used to be absolutely obsessed with astrology. So much so that it was a basis of many of my opinions and even in mo
- Memorare Express
Make the Sign of the Cross State your request(s) Sincerely pray the Memorare Express Novena State request(s) again R
- Tax Refunds
Are you expecting a tax refund? If so, how do you plan on spending it? And what is your sun and mars? Curious as to if o
- I have the feeling we'll meet again, scorpio
connection? We're both scorpios. I felt an instant connection. I want to connect with him again, but don't have his i
- Scorpio and Forgiveness
A lot of people believe that Scorpios do not forgive other people for hurting them in the past. I disagree. Even though
- Mercury in Retrograde
I'm confused. Some sites are saying the mercury retrograde has already left Scorpio to go to Sagittarius since late Dece
- Male Libra sun Scorpio Venus
Stories/ Experiences anyone??
- LOL my rms are scorpios
well 3 of them are. LOL don't ask. I was preparing cooking and heard a lot of his conversation in the shower with hi
- Aries Venus and Libra Venus compatibility?
Female - Aries venus Male - Libra venus...... Stories, advice, experience?
- For all the 'other' Outgoing Extroverts
Outgoing Introverts are like enigmas wrapped in bacon: difficult to understand but the most appealing of puzzles! :D
- ~~Mood Music~~
Couldn't find the thread. If someone pops it up, I'll delete this one. In the meantime, enjoy (someone gets the sig
- Crab Quotes
Intentional or not crabs say some of funniest stuff. Post your favorite crab quotes. Doesn't matter who the person is. C
- Calling all Capricorn Sun with Cancer Rising
What are you like? Please share.
- What a clever RABBIT!
(b) :D
- Girl wants me to be her roommate @_@
Should I expect she'd make sexual advances to me??? @_@
- My ASIAN Mum was like...
...waitwhat? You're the 2nd highest in midterms exams? ...Ummm... Yes. Aren't you happy about that? ...You sh