February 3, 2017
February 3, 2017 is a Friday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 6.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsTopics Created On February 3, 2017
- Have anyone told you you are bad at sex?
Just saw a comment that said 'I had never had anyone complained about sexual with me'...
Which inspired me to start this could be fun thread.
Have anyone of you had someone told you 'I had better' or something of the sort so you knew they hot satisf
- My Mysterious Leo
Hey everyone ! So this is gonna be long... I wanted to make sure I gave all the details :)
So I have been on and off (mostly off) with my male Leo for 2 years. I am a female Libra .... when we first got together I didn't want anything... just a friend
- Disappears when we spend time together
Every single time we hangout he pulls back! This time we fucked (took a year) over a week ago, and he did not pull back right away. It was great, he rolled over, cuddled me and knocked out lol. The day before he shared some great news about work, and we h
- Aries man & Sagittarius woman
so i am in a relationship with an aries man. i love him so much, never felt like this about any guy ever before. things have been pretty awesome with us so far despite the heated arguments from time to time. as a female there is something that just doesnt
- Celebrating Cancer man's success
Well I am in love with this Cancer man but he rejected and friend zoned me. I last saw him about 8 months ago. We had no contact policy. He asked me to move on so that we could be friends.
About 3 days ago I got a text that he is now earning well and
- Book that explains attraction
Have anyone ever found book that explains this attraction between 2 people that is turning lifes upside down and makes a person into somebody they never thought they can be?
I mean something worth reading and not just wasting time?
- Confused
When a guy says he doesnt want a relationship right at the start, Can they change there minds while getting to know you?
- Ho tactics
Hare just recommended book and I went looking for reviews.
One have a sample which is:
Thus, they can stoop to a level that a classy lady would never stoop to, they can say things that a girlfriend would be ashamed to say, and they can do things sexua
- Gemini's Are Crazy
Bat sh*t crazy...
- Would you physically cheat with a married man?
Hot topic, but would you cheat with a married man (or woman) if it was only physical? State your gender, your reasoning, your experiences...?
Also, would you forgive said cheating? Say it only happened once ( kind of like with Bill Clinton and Monica
- So..
I did another birth chart & im starting to notice a pattern, I need to do a few more to 100% convince me though .. A few people I'm close to & get along with well have 12th house placements.. Not just one , 2 or more hmmm
- What would you do if ..
- what would you do if ..
- Reasons an Aqua would block you and act like you dont exist.
As part of my growing after breaking up with my ex who is an aqua, I would like to know reasons of why she would suddenly act as if I don't exist.
We broke up due to her parents not agreeing with our relationship and I do admit to chasing her to
- Will
- Will he come back to me?
Hi, I'm a Scorpio woman with Pisces rising, my boyfriend Leo with Scorpio rising has stopped messaging me for no reason. I have written another post 2 days ago. Like I said, we were just fine and had no arguments at all and he just stopped talking to me.
- Serious help with a Taurus guy
I am going to try to keep it short. I like this Taurus guy, but I am unsure if he likes me. I believe he does, but I don't know. If he does not like me, I am ready to move on. So okay... I met him at work. When I immediately saw him (the first day I began
- Virgo's and Leo's
What are the pros and cons of this particular combination from your experience? Seems like we can be very similar and very different at the same time. (For me particularly with cleanliness and wanting things done a certain way) What do you wish we Leos kn
- Chat advice
Hi if you can interpret charts can you let me know if this person is more influenced by Sagittarius or does his Venus in Scorpio have more power. Very conflicted energy push pull or is it just slow and steady
Zodiac : Tropical Placidus Orb : 0
- Guys...what qualities would make a woman invaluable to you??
- Confused by Taurus Woman; I don't know where she is coming from or how she feels.
- Ugh my Birthday sucked again.
It wasn't as bad last time,at least I didn't cry but I was contemplating suicide through my whole shift at work.
I'm constantly reminding myself to be happy from all the happy birthday messages people have sent me on Facebook, my brother for once even
- Reddit
Probably the best community collection I've encountered.
What's your favorite reddit recommendation?
- Aquarius & cancer
I feel like I upset these signs the most. With an Aquarius I feel comfortable and I always get this idea that they don't have feelings because they're never expressed. I think with cancers I talk freely without censoring myself and I upset them. They wear
- Are Oranges Called Oranges Because They Are Orange in Color...
...Or is it the color called orange because oranges are orange in color?
- Any Leo's good at chart interpretation?
Message me so I can send you the link to the synastry chart. I also have my chart and her chart as well to give a better insight.
- Any Aries good at chart reading? Message me.
Going through a rough time with my Leo woman and she is the love of my life. I need some insight and advice on the placements ect. Hope in IF you can help...
Help a fellow Ram ?
- Confused by a Pisces Man as well
only the pisces man is (ME)
: ^ ) -----------------I
one day i'll fall in love with him.
- Signs a Scorpio Woman Interested
This scorpio girl stares at me, and casually mentioned a girl's name (wrote on her fb wall the day before) to a group while looking at me. The scorpio girl has an expressionless gaze around me.
- Pisces Sun/Aries Moon/Scorpio Rising - Meaning?
What does this mean? I understand the sun thing, but what effect does my Aries Moon and Scorpio Rising add? What's my whole picture? Thanks!
- What placements would have a kid like this?
- Drew Peterson
I saw this on the news today because one of his son's said he believes his father did it, and his father's been sentenced to 38 years prison.
he married 4x, and killed 2 of his wives supposedly. One missing body, and the other wife's body was exhumed a