February 14, 2017
February 14, 2017 is a Tuesday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 8.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On February 14
Topics Created On February 14, 2017
- What does it mean with planets in 7th house?
I just saw a youtube video where they said its not great having planets in the 7th house. I have my Sun , Mercury , Jupiter and Neptune all there. Does anyone have any insight into my chart.
Zodiac : Tropical Placidus Orb : 0
Sun Sagittarius 13°32'
- Sex or no sex? Any help?
Hi there, I know it might sound weird, but I'm 28 and have never had sex. I have been in some petting almost making out situations but it has just never happened. I recently started a relationship with a 25 year-old Pisces man and our chemistry is amazing
- Valentine's orgy
Isn't scheduled yet???
So no member in member and nothing like common peope lets get naked???
I repulsed by you!
I am not coming...
Well...there is no where to come anyway! Shame on you dxpnetters!
- Do men protect women automatically?
I started a new job 2+ weeks ago. And thewn protect the heck out of me! I perform wrong and they cover me. I produce shit work and they fix it. On the down low telling me what I did wrong.
They all have enveloped me. Is this a common male trait?
- Do you celebrate Valentine's?
I had hot lingerie ready and that was all I prepared.. glad that was it coz this man doesn't even know it was Valentine's Day. he thinks it's just an excuse for couples to fight lol... talking about romantic ? Venus in Pisces didn't help in this circums
- Please explain my chart!!
- Makeup questions from a man.
What would you think of your man doing your makeup? How long does it take? I wonder if it would be weird to be doing your wife's makeup for her. I don't know if it would be a good thing to learn or not because then would I be expected to do it forever?
- hi, I'm new here
I'm a Scorpio, I want to be closer in my relationship but don't now how stop feeling so scad of getting close to my partner. What do I do?
Dating a Tarsus...
- Marion Cotillard vs. Kate Winslet?
Who do you think matches better with Leonardo di Caprio?
Both are beautiful.
Both born in 1975.
Both are bunnies.
- Can someone help with the synastry /compatibility of these 2 charts please?
Sun in 13° Sagittarius
Moon in 5° Leo
Mercury in 27° Sagittarius (r)
Venus in 8° Capricorn
Mars in 17° Pisces
Jupiter in 16° Sagittarius
Saturn in 2° Gemini (r)
Uranus in 17° Libra
Neptune in 3°
- Why So Desperate ?
Why are some Leo's (particularly men , but can be about Leo women as well) become so desperate after a breakup?
Instead of fixing what they messed up, they rather run to another female/male as a rebound?
- What do u love most about your sign?
I'll go first.
I love how optimistic my sign can be. Our vibes and energy is such a beautiful thing. We are true definition of live life to the fullest with no regrets lol... #sag
- Just a survey for all the lovely couples
In honor of Valentine's Day, all married, engaged or dating couples answer honestly. Just copy, paste and put your own answers if you want to answer this one. Thanks.
1. What's your and partner zodiac sign? I'm a Virgo and My wife is a Sagittarius.
- It's Over
Congratulations @DickButt
You drove me off this forum. I'm never posting again because of you. Goodbye and thank you to all the people who made my DXP experience enjoyable. As for those hoors that anonymously reported me for no Dastard's actions and like
- @Teena and the 'N' letter
Can someone please tell @Teena to stop using 'N' instead of 'and'?
Is it because she is trying to avoid saying any word which resembles Ands?
- Do any of you Libras possess any Secret whatsoever for Understanding The Psychology.....
Do any of you Libras posses any Secret whatsoever for Understanding The Psychology of a Mature Capricorn Woman?
I'm ever learning That Beautiful Creature...
- What about inverted placements aspecting each other?
For example, I have Mars(Aries ruler) in Gemini and Mercury(Gemini ruler) in Aries in a sextile. Is there something special from this or Is it just like any aspect?
If you can provide an interpretation for this aspect I dont mind too...
- Just sitting here wondering why I am so pathetic.
Seriously. Is it low self esteem? Daddy issues? What the hell is wrong with me?
It's been an entire year since we even kissed. Now I am happy with the few crumbs that are thrown at me here and there. I use the excuse that he is sick.....blah blah blah. I
- Is this normal capricorn behaviour? Or he is not interested?
I would like to know is this normal capricorn behavior to just disappear and not initiate any type of contact for days? And when contacted giving excuse that he has been super busy with work?
My cap boyfriend has been doing this for a while and I am rea
- Is this a Capricorn? (based on someone I just met online)
So I’ve been chatting with someone I met online. She looks similar to one of my capricorn frends, but that’s irrelevant really. She has a good job, in the medical profession, seems very calm under pressure and intelligent. The problem is I like to ask que
- What Mercury placements/aspects does provide the most powerful mind?
By powerful I mean practical use...Solving problems, analysing skills, fast-thinking, good memory, cordination, mind&body connection, good way with words, broad thinking, philosophical, arts and etc.
- RIP Canthaltilt
keep liftin' in heaven
- Chiron Pisces Scar Tissue (Check your birthchart; in GENERAL Read about CHIRON)
Chiron ingressed into Pisces May 2010, went into retrograde into Aquarius and then moved completely into Pisces in March 2011 and will be there until March 2019. This is a long station in Pisces. It was in Aquarius since 2005 and in Capricorn from 2002.
- what is the strongest sign/placement?
what would you consider a very strong character?
person /individual?
give some examples, such as LEADERS and some people you know in real life,
they don't have t be leaders. But those you fear. kind of RESPECT.
and what placements contribute
Background: J. K. and I have known each other our whole lives, he's been in love with me our whole lives and I dont know how he dealt wih being my friend when I dated his bet friend, but it wasn't until recently I realized my feelings for him. I "professe
- Update! Getting Gemini Back - Story Ahead
***UPDATE: first of all thank you to everyone for their comments/thoughts on this topic which was posted seperately. This is a continuation to my other post which describes the story from the start.
I decided to take a 2 week trip around Europe for my
- Virgo Full Moon for 12 March 2017 -- Momentum Keeps Building
I doubt that it's a coincidence that the Leo Lunar Eclipse was at 22 degrees, followed by the Virgo Full Moon at 22 degrees on March 12. The Universe in its wisdom is using master numbers 22 and 11 as symbols on a synchronistic path. And as this synchroni
- Teenafish is Dying
- How do you know that you have met your soulmate?
I love a lot of close girlfriends like at least 10 of them. I've also loved a lot during my life. But i have never been whoa this is the one ever. I think there is so many beautiful and amazing women in the world that I can call the one (hundred :D)!
- Libra sun Gemini Moon female and Taurus sun Aquarius Moon male
ok so i need all the help i can get to understand this stubborn taurus male. I met him through mutual friends and we had a thing going on for a month, i rushed things being the impatient libra i am and scared him off to the point where he started to avoid
- Who likes/dislikes Valentine's day?
I thought as it's Valentine's Day let's see who are the romantics and who aren't. Even if it's low key, I don't necessarily mean that you have to make a big deal out of it (share your love all over social media) just that you like to acknowledge it with t
- Allowing our Taurus walls to fall down
Hello fellow Taurus people,
When you're getting to know a guy/girl in the dating world, what does it take for your "walls" to come down faster and allow them in?
Is it the amount of trust that you value the most?
How you feel about the person?
- Anyone here in the actors Union?
I am still learning about all of this, but I would like to know what your process was like. When you felt like it was time to get your Equity card and how you placed yourself in a position to do so?
- Hello!
Someone could tell me about taurus born in 11th May, 1973? :D
- Aqua Man ghosted me then comes back a week later like nothing happened
So I've been talking to this aqua guy for awhile and he doesn't ask me out but txts me everyday, we've met 2ce and I didn't understand why he keeps txting me if he's not going to ask me out so last week I just was straight to the point and was like your a
- Should I text my ex bf hvd?
- .....
Happy Valentine's Day DXPers !! ❤️
- How long can you function without sex?
Are you an angry sex sober or a content one?
- One question
Do you like to eat in a bar? If I invite a Taurus woman (on her birthday), to eat some snacks and drink something, will she accept it?
I'm asking, because I think Taurus people like expensive and refined places ... So I do not know.
And I do not feel
- Question about being More Feminine
I just looked at a chart and i'm more feminine and on the border of very feminine. Is that why most all my friends are girls. The only guys i hang out with if ever are guys from 20 to 30 years ago i use to play sports with. I mostly just like being aro
- Cancer mens , how do you completely back to shell?
What would you guys do when you feel really hard( after few years of breaking up) to move on?
Block all social media?
Block phone number?
Delete all pictures?
Throw out all presents?
Start a new relationship quick to heal your wound?
- Virgo rising
What does people think usually when they see you for the first time?
Whats the impression you give to them? Do you seem approachable? Symapthetic?
Let me know. I usually get that i vive them a good vibe and that i can seems very easy to approach a
- Your occupation
Do you actually love it or love the money? Been talking with lots of Caps lately and when I ask about their job they always mention something about the money first. so my question to you is for you is it more important to make money or actually enjoy what
Is it stupid to break up with someone based on tarot card predictions and intuition. .? No i don't have any proofs however lot of things forced me to think that he is cheating me.
But the tarot readings seemed to resonate so much with me that I broke up
- @P6X58DE / CanBull 's DXP crush
My vote is @Anarchi and I am pretty sure @Secret will concur
Anyone else come to mind? Or hell, who wants to be his Valentine?
- Let me breathe!
I have a very good friend, probably one of my best friends which lately has been too much to bare.
As awful as it might sound, because she is ALWAYS there for me, I don't have it in my to always be there for her. Because she needs needs me all the time.
- Adam Driver
.........is a Scorpio.
DOES THIS SURPRISE ANYONE? (assuming you've seen the show GIRLS).
He is literally the type of person I imagine when I think of a Scorpio man. Intense, sexually deviant, powerful, depth..
Anyone else see it?