February 27, 2017
February 27, 2017 is a Monday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 3.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On February 27
Topics Created On February 27, 2017
- Libra and online dating shadiness
So I've been talking to this libra guy for about 7 months and we're both still using this dating app...
We're friends right now and I'll call or text him to talk and he sometimes doesn't pick up or respond to my texts because he says he finds texting bo
- What's so scary to be in love
Why do I read it all the time that people dumping people because they are scared of their feelings that are getting deeper?
What's so bad about falling in love?
How horrific really is it?
Or it is just same thing as 'it's not you its me'?
- I hate being an ADULT
*Venting post*
Sometimes I hate being an adult, sometimes I hate having to pay bills, cooking for myself, and everything else...
Haha, who else feels like this sometimes? Thank God I don't have any kids because sometimes I would have to tell them "
- Celtic Moons
Credit to @YasmineMin for putting the link up for the signs (so I could find the moons):
Gateway Moon: December 24 - January 20
Ogham Tree of Power
- Does he even care (Leo)
Hey guys I need your Help!!!!! I'm an Aquarius and I have been hooking up with a Leo consistanly for about 2 1/2 years now. We have amazing sex but we have gone thru a lot. I'm pretty laid back about the whole relationship thing but I would like to know i
- Trying to see if my virgo guy and I are compatible
I'm a aqua (feb 7th) and he's a virgo (sept 20). And I read up on some stuff stating about virgos guys and aqua girls but I take with a grain of salt. I wanted to see if anyone could help me understand my birth chart and his birth chart and see if we are
- There's good in everything.
Ever heard the story of the king and his minister? If not, here it is:
Once upon a time, there was a king. He had a minister who had great faith in God and would always say that whatever happens, happens for the good. The king never believed this.
- Why do I (libra) attract uncompatible signs?
Don't get me wrong, I love my Virgo man, but I find it odd that I attract the signs that I'm quite on quote "not compatible" with. Any suggestions as to why?
- Good Read: 8 Ordinary Photos Hiding Mind-blowing Details
I'm interested to know your thoughts about it.
- Major head shaker & head turners
What's the craziest thing a person did to try and catch your attention? Did it work?? Or were you laughing so hard you damned near fell with them??
- Remy ma vs nicki minaj
Thoughts ???! Shether??
- Is there anything in a person's chart that would indicate they are your twin flame?
Any aspects? I'm guessing our twin flame's would at least be astrologically compatible with us...right?
Also if any of you guys have met your twin flames then you can share you and their planets
- People posting DikPix on DXP must be banned.
There are minors in this site.
- Let us hear your Vocaroo
- Does this Sagittarius guy really like me or is he just like this with everyone? (Im a Virgo btw)
Me and this Sagittarius guy have been friends for years. He's always made it clear that he likes me but I've always kept him in the friendzone, so that's pretty much where it stayed. Recently I've finally decided to give him a chance and I'm starting to f
- Virgo woman/Sagittarius guy
Me and this Sagittarius guy have been friends for years. He's always made it clear that he likes me but I've always kept him in the friendzone, so that's pretty much where it stayed. Recently I've finally decided to give him a chance and I'm starting to f
- How to get an Aqua man's interest n make him miss me again?
Hi its me again.still cant get over my Aqua man.
Having to fast movement in our new dating time n he said we need to slow down.He changed alots.bcome cold,not exciting,we still texting sometimes but normally he was sweeter..i think as a libra i showed
- Colleg
- Help, colleague with serious depression
Please help me understand how a serious depression affects a person's brain, and how I as a colleague can help him. What to do and what not to do? He's on lithium.
Also, he's been absent for almost a week - I can't get a hold of him and he missed out s
- Your NN
They say you are kind of obsessed about your NN (Rahu). Are you?
- Virgo guy and aquarius girl
I'm a aqua (feb 7th) and he's a virgo (sept 20). And I read up on some stuff stating about virgos guys and aqua girls but I take with a grain of salt. I wanted to see if anyone could help me understand my birth chart and his birth chart and see if we ar
- How's you holdin up with the Mars-Uranus?
- Venus in Retrograde - Tarot
What are your thoughts and questions for the cards regarding Venus in Retrograde?
- Indecisiveness....practicality vs. emotions
Been second guessing moving in with my Gem. Looking for places together has taught us that we will need to up our budget significantly to get everything we both want in a rental. We are both on track to be able to purchase something in the next year if we
- What in a natal chart does indicate a person who is fascinating like interesting/eccentric/original
One of a kind...
- Sad Lioness vent session
I've finally broken it off with my married Capricorn lover. I vowed that I wouldn't go into 2017 still dealing with the ups and downs of being the "other woman"---7 years was far too long.
So, naturally I'm having all those down & out, depressed, help
- How to get a libra guy?
I met a guy in the elevator of my building, then again in the laundry room, he offered to hang out with him and his friends in an hour but i said i was too tired so some other time. A couple days goes past and while im at the cinema i get a text from my r
- call for excuses or translations
he would not want that we do not talk about him.
- Jane Austen
one of my favourite book writers, and she is a Sagittarius Sun/Libra moon/Scorpio Venus/Capricorn mars/ Virgo rising.
but she had a tragic love story,