February 9, 2017
February 9, 2017 is a Thursday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 3.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsTopics Created On February 9, 2017
- Sexiest/Strangest place you've given head...?
- Songs to Scream To
Share some songs that are perfect for getting anger, frustration, and angst out because you can scream up a lung while singing along to the chorus. My heavy metal and goth peeps!
- Taurus woman's Aries man decide to split but plan to try again hopefully. Just need some insight.
There's so much to this story but I can't fit it all in here. So here goes. My boyfriend, until he moves to Florida in a couple days, decided to split. We had a great relationship but the trust got messed up. All we did was argue towards the end and it hi
- What's the best match for a Pisces women??
Hi y'all.
What do you think is the best match
for a Pisces women?
- Sag woman trying to decipher Taurus man
I'm looking for some advice on what the heck is going with my Taurus, if there is something there for me, or not, and what the heck I should do next. I've been waiting for him for 2 years now. He seems to think I'm asking for all or nothing. But I just
- Pisces and Virgo Hangin out
aye watsup dudes, pisces and virgo! hangin out!
how does it go, what does it do, load this forum post with all ur cherished stories.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~swim freely: take it easy dude but take it
- Are Scorpio men usually flirty?
There's this Scorpio guy that I met at least 10 yrs ago, I simply liked him at the beginning but I was in a relationship so I stayed out of it.
I would hang out with him and his friends once in a while, later (2 yrs or so) when I was single I tried to
- Sun sextile Uranus / February 9th
February 9th /Sun sextile Uranus
It’s seems like we will be working with our higher intellect on February 9th, time when we could allow our creativity to extend any limits, even to trigger our uniqueness or to have interest towards groups, society. This
- How to know if an Aquarius man likes me?
Im libra and i think i have an Aquarius man dating me at the moment.he is pretty honest n open about his feeling even right after we spent time together for first time he said he really liked me.He texted me daily n checking me out,he said he's been think
- The Cap Chap is in a relationship
Which hurts. Way fucking worse than it should.
Any girl that is questioning where you stand with a Capricorn - if you have to question, then you're not important. To him at least.
Also, fuck him.
- Saturn in the 5th
Anybody else with this and have been single forever and a day too?
- Scorpios and Libras
What do scorpios think of libras? I'm just really curious.
- Why did my Virgo friend told everyone that we were hooking up after TWÓ YEARS?
maybe some of you would tell me why did my 'ex' told everyone we were hooking up.
it was 2 years ago.
he is a virgo- wery weird guy, now when i see him i am scared and afraid of him.
we are not together. before he was giving me mixed signals
- aries woman struggling with personality
I am an Aries 27 yo woman. I have a big problem with men. I am very hard working, easy going, outgoing. I am sometimes considered as a party girl.Not like easy girl but party girl.
My personality is very colorful, sometimes i try to hide it in fr
- Monkeys
When monkeys do bad things, do they know they're doing it? Also are they usually sneaky people?
- Contacting Pisces
So, this pisces man disappeared without prior notice. Despite the fact that we liked each other, he just left, didn't call or responded to my texts in the begining of his disappearing.
I haven't reached out for him for weeks now. Neither did he.
- What country would you choose to represent your sun sign?
- October 15
I would love to learn more about people born on this day.
My brother, my ex and my friends brother all have this birthday and all have some serious struggles with mental illness.
The coincidence has definitely sparked my curiosity.
- Will an Aquarius want to have a relationship with my separated married situation?
Hi im Libra,officially im still married n have one kid.but i and husband are separated n its been two months.Then i met this Aquarius man,i told him from the start that im separated with my husband.We met n had good times fr the first time we met and he s
- Religion is bullshit?
I believe in god. And i believe in paranormal. But i believe religion is bullshit. Maybe it started out with good intentions but politicians use it just to divide us and it has led to countless wars. Thoughts?
- Cap moon man
Aries man moon in Capricorn.. how are they ? What do they expect from relationships? How to handle them. ?
- Breakup Anniversaries
February 5th marked the date I walked out on my ex. But to me, it was Superbowl Sunday and I was too busy with a friend preparing and hosting our first SB party which turned out to be a hit, accompanied by delicious food and great company. It has been o
- Virgos?
Do Taurus naturally have a connection with Virgos? All my life, I never really had taurus friends or even dated one and I've always wondered why because I'm attracted to them.. Never really seen virgo/taurus relationships either.
- Dealing with difficult parents
Hey scorpios, have you ever dealt with a parent who treats you unfairly? How do you deal with that as an adult? How do you not let it affect you emotional makeup?
- What should I do... about this Aqua with many piscesnplacements
Ok, long story short.. I don't know what to do about our * whatever title we want to call it *.. lol.. when we started seeing each other he said he didn't want to have a relationship because he is finishing off his last semester of MBA full time and also
- Virgo attracted to fire signs ?! why?
Maybe someone on here can shed some light on why Im attracted to fire signs
My virgo sun, mars, venus and mercury all fall in my 12 house leo
My scorpio moon falls in my 2nd house -Libra
My 7 house - pisces with true node aries
Sun Virgo 5°41'
- Charlie Rose
NBC anchor is having heart surgery TODAY! Full moon & moon in Leo is not a good day for heart surgery! Hopefully there are some positive aspects for this in his chart. Good luck Charlie Rose.......
- What type of drunk are you?
Include your Sun, Moon and Mars
I'm a Capricorn-Aquarius sun, Scorpio moon and Aquarius mars. I get really social, hyper, loud, emotional, giggly, brutally honest, and sweet with my words when I'm drunk. I'll talk to everyone and anyone if in a public
- Is this Leo just using me?
My ex(leo) asked me if I wanted to get back with him as he broke up with his gf. We made out and I came back home and we never actually got back together. We text each other everyday but I don't know how to ask him.
- Significant information about me
Anything significant my chart shows.
Chart located here
- What's the compatibility?
Hopefully the link works. New website :/
- Long Distance In-love with a cappy woman
Hi Cappies! I am a libra and in love with this cappy woman miles away from me.. I am getting a lot of mix signals from her. sometimes she seems so sweet and nice then after she's so distant and cold. If i don't text her she will worry, if I text her a lot
- 6 of wands as....feelings?
How would you interpret 6 of wands as someone's feelings towards you?
It's already been established that were attracted to one another etc.
- What sun sign usually has the craziest stories to tell?
IMO, Aquarius...they live to the fullest
- Well Men! Why are you freaking out...
...when woman says I love you!??
What does it mean to you?
You have to marry her?
You have to give her your liver nor kidneys?
Why can't you just enjoy the fact that someone is loving your worthless ass and keep going on dating and be nice and not
- You don't fuck with a Taurus
- Be My Valentine ~x~
- Pick apart Youtube Astrologer's channels!
Since you have to live up to the stereotype to keep it alive!
Here is how I want to look at them:
Appearance: Not so much as look, (though you can roast their ass if you feel the need) but in terms of visual presence, body language and any visuals th
- Why so captivating.
What is the best way to approach this?
An Aqua lady I adore and believe is the one has re-iterated that she doesn't want a relationship right now or the foreseeable future. Which I'm fine with and respect as I have a lot going on that I need to focus
- Cusp of Rebirth, March 17 to March 23
Dear all fellow Pisrian,
Do you feel like your sun sign is only half right in describing your soul, your core, your consciousness?
Do you find yourself daydreaming as an escape to this meaningless reality?
Do you find yourself your worst enemy?
Do yo
- Twin Flame Q&A
Hey guys.
How is everyone doing?
I always wondered what your twin flame feels when you are experiencing intense feelings..
If I am experiencing extreme sadness and loss of interest, is my twin flame content and focused?
When I am feeling positive
- What would you do..
If your ex who you still love fucked one of your old high school friends - while u guys were separated - haha
Would you ever be able to forgive her