February 21, 2017
February 21, 2017 is a Tuesday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 6.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On February 21
Topics Created On February 21, 2017
- Hot or Not?!
Brought to you by our sponsors, Velvetta and Miracle Whip.
First candidate up, @ChrisisKodak aka SentimentalKodak
- Gem vs Gem
Wow I haven't been around in a long time..... but here I'm again with some questions on my pocket.
My newest love interest turns out to be a gem, and as usual a LDR situation....
He is a gem, in his early 40s, moon in Capricorn and Venus in Cancer (be
- Manifesting your ex back
I just came across an article about using the law of attraction to manifest an ex back. Some of the suggestions included letting go of negative emotions and thinking positive thoughts all day (great!)
And writing yourself romantic letters and emails pret
- Signs that'd do anything for their love
My top three picks
Virgo, Pisces, Gemini (in no particular order)
.... followed by Leo (When the top 3 are in love, they forget about the ego. Leos would do anything for you except when it hurts their ego.)
What is your pick?
- Dammit Duncan! You fucked things up again!....rant mode activate....
JFC, just when I thought I knew how to work simple things like the annoying post a link from a photo sharing site in order to post pics here on dxp, now it doesn't work?! WHYYYYYYYY do you have to make life annoying and complicated?! Stop fucking messing
- Chart Interpretation?
If the link doesn't work I'll type below:
Sun - 28.48* Pisces - 4th house
Moon - 4.14* Libra - 11th house
Mercury - 11* Aries Retrograde - 5th hosue
Venus - 6.23* Pisces - 4th house
- Thot or not?
out them
- You are the one who makes me happy
You are the one who makes me happy
When everything else turns to grey
Yours is the voice that wakes me mornings
And sends me out into the day
You are the crowd that sits quiet
Listening to me
And all the mad sense that I make
You are one of the f
- Can I share my feelings with an Aqua male?
Been crushing on my Aqua male friend for nearly a year. He's been aware of it for about 6 months. He lives about an hour away but drives up to hang out at least once a month with texts in between. He's told me that he cares about me and all of our hang ou
- Pisces Intuition or Just another delusion....My fellow Pisceans have you ever....?
Pisceans have you ever met someone and knew instantly that they were going to be significant in your life romantically....e.g you were going to end up with them or at least eventually have a long term partnership with said person....BUT at the same time
- Want to understand
Hi all. This is my first post and before I say anything else I wish to make it clear I wish no offense to anybody.
I am a keen Astronomer and obviously our two studies have a certain overlap, however as I'm sure your aware astronomers often disregard as
- Taurus man words vs actions
Is it true that taurus men tend to show their feelings through actions, rather than words? How to know that taurus man is not just being friendly, but wants more?
What are main "actions" showing that a woman is special?
- Does a scorpio man ever forget true love, even if it was only platonic?
I've been married for the past two years to a Libra, but lately I developed feelings for this Scorpio guy (I too am a Scorpio). The thing is, he has been staring hard at me everytime we met for the past two years, however I kept aloof since he is a family
- How can one unfold his 12th house placements?
Astrologers always say that a 12th house placement is really powerful as this relates to some kind of gift from the heaven to the chart owner but this house is said to be related to hidden things and the subconscious so how can someone unfold these gifts?
- When people try to help...
And they just fail lol
I put a rant on social media complaining that my local mall has absolutely nothing that I would go out of my way to buy because nothing fits and nothing matches my fashion sense.....I only go to thrift stores and get basics from
- I am in the worst possible position...
I will post the synastry and composite charts after i explain. so, i've been in a relationship for almost 2 years. it's a good relationship. he isn't bad to me and i know he'd never hurt me or leave me. he loves me and i am his first gf and everything els
- Taurus man disappearing on me...
so im a Cancer woman. ive been seeing/ dating my Taurus on/off for 7 months now. btw i love Tauruses ! their charm & humor. they have their flaws but no one is perfect. my Taurus has just been confusing the hell out of me. we could be great for a couple m
- Aquarius: Friends or more?
My story is that I've known my aquarius friend for almost two years now. We met through a non-profit. At the beginning I didn't pay attention to him because I wasn't looking for anything at the time, and then I eventually realized that he was kind, genuin
- Should a man pay for dinner?
I just watched a video last night, of a guy asking if men should always pay for dinner. I found it fascinating the amount of "yeas" I heard when he asked if men should always pay for dinner. I have never been one to think a man should pay, but it got me
- Silent Scorpio
Is there even a way to snap a Scorpio out of silent treatment? We're not talking days here - we're talking months, and it's the first time they ever did this, at least to me. I have literally no idea what I have done, and no one else seems to know either.
- I have a crazy Taurus ex, is this normal behaviour
He's abusive and controlling he left me for another woman and apparently loves her but won't leave me alone and insists we're still together, he turns up at my work place embarrassing me and I feel like I have to give in to him in order to make him stay c
- Need some advice on how to continue.
I posted the other day about understanding my cancer girlfriend/ex girlfriend as I am a Pisces male. Unfortunately I don't know our rising or moon signs etc, just sun.
Regardless, she is definition of cancer. She's incredibly caring and loving and seem
- Improving your appearance with Astrology?
Does anyone ever tried this?
For example, looking at your 1st house or your ASC placements can give a clue on how people perceive you, if you keep this in mind you could improve that image commonly connected to you.
Lets say, someone have Saturn in