February 22, 2017
February 22, 2017 is a Wednesday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 7.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On February 22
Topics Created On February 22, 2017
- How to make a cancerian hate & move on
I have a problem. I love my boyfriend (an Aries) soooo much. I do really care for him. But... we can not be together because of his parents. So, how can I don't love him anymore? How to hate him that want me to give up & move on. We love eachother so much
- How's Jupiter treating Libras this month?
I am an October 21 Libra and the past 4.5 years have been the hardest of my life! This month, however, a few things seem to be looking up, and I feel like I am getting back some of myself after 5 years of suffering.
How is Jupiter treating Libras? Did yo
- What sign do I look like?
I was curious to know which sign I look the most like! I thought it would be fun to hear how other people perceive me in terms of astrology. I don't really know anyone else into it so it sucks not hearing feedback from others. Please point out anything co
- getting a libra guy to come back?
i'm a pisces female who had relations with a libra guy, who was a close friend of mine, about two months ago.
long story short: we hooked up and told each other we had feelings for each other but when things turned sour (outside drama) he later said t
- Ever been told you're too unpredictable?
Men say this time and time again. How do you fix it?
- first time liking a pisces guy?
im libra and hes pisces, march 11th. I dont know how to attract a pisces guy? i met him 4 days ago, he acts really nice with when we are alone but he also talks about himself all the time, but when we were with people last night and another night he barel
- My Taurus Ex is ______
Fill in the blank.
- Need help interpret the tarot reading
Could someone help me interpret the cards? I am deciding whether there is any potential with this person (an old flame). I was just thinking of this person when I drew the cards online. I am not sure why certain cards appeared more than once. Thanks in ad
- Breakup, NC, Staying Friends And Then A Block.
I went through a terrible breakup in December. My ex moved on pretty quickly post our breakup and starting hooking up and dating other people. This kind of affected me more and it was then that I did a 30day NC on my ex. Post the NC we started speaking ag
- What do you guys think about this connection? Perfect match?
She: Taurus Sun - Me: Taurus Venus
She: Aries Venus - Me: Aries Sun and Mercury
She: Gemini Mercury - Me: Gemini Mars and ASC
She: Scorpio Moon - Me: Scorpio Moon
She: Leo Mars - Me: Leo Jupiter
Funny thing, I met her when transit Saturn conjunct
- Ladies, what Female Goddess Archetype are you?
look at your past and present and relationships and think hard, what do others and what do you see of yourself?
which one are you??
Are you Athena?
Athena - extroverted and independent temperament--repre
- Capricorn guy slow to commit?
I have been talking to a capricorn guy for one year. He seems to really like me and he has said it various time. And I got to know from one of his friends that he likes me.
Now the problem is that he does express his love.
Sometimes, he stops contact
- What Would You Do If DXP...
...was down for a week?
- I'm Watching 'The Cosby Show'
OMG! I AM SO IN LOVE WITH DENISE! She's played by Lisa Bonet. MY HEART, YOU GOISE! ???? She is such perfection! And I thought I was in love with her daughter! WOW! Bonet is just so beautiful! ?????
I would DEFINTIELY "go gay" for her! Take me back in t
- Bar Stars? Gem trait?
How many of you gems are bar stars? Seems to go with the personality of all the attention required! lol My bf USED to be one. Oh the things you discover as you get to know each other. Feel odd dating one, as I consider barstars not necessarily cool, but w
- How to deal with virgo woman?
I'm a real Scorpio (Sun), darn very intense (!), with Moon in Gemini and Leo Asc/rising. I met a real Virgo woman. I know she likes me too.
While I'm aware there are more aspects of it than only the Sun sign, she fits the description of a Virgo damn w
- When your waitress owes you $1500 do you leave a tip?
Her and her husband rent a house from me and are behind $1500. I'm out to lunch and she's my waitress. Do I tip her or put it towards her debt?
- Interactive Food for Party
Want to plan a fun meal for small dinner party. Any ideas?
1. fondue
2. homemade pizzas
- Ladies Is Not Being A Drinker A Dealbreaker..
In this instance?
6 years ago I was hit head on by a vehicle when walking across the street. I had broken arms, legs and it took me a year and a half to recover from it.
The only thing that didn't heal was an internal injury. When I tried drinking
- minimum wage system in USA
There are 50 states in USA. Are there 50 minimum wage laws?
Does everyone get paid the minimum wage by law? If not why not?
Whats the issue with paying tips?
- Friends or… could it be(come) more?
Past two months me and my cancer ex have been texting occasionally, after being in no contact for 4 months. He initiates most of the conversation, say 8 out of 10.
He broke up with me because we argued a lot. I’d love to reconcile, I still love him and
- Gut Feeling...
Any more Libras that have a hard time following their gut, or even knowing it is there at all?