May 4, 2022
May 4, 2022 is a Wednesday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 6.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On May 4
Topics Created On May 4, 2022
- Wait while they making up their mind? Fuck THEM!
I am strangely triggered by this post (and it’s not the only one but it’s timing)…
Man and woman (30 and 40 - NOT TEENS) are going on dates BUT apparently one of them is shy OR not decided what TF is going to happen later…and we he advise to one in limbo
- As a Leo guy, I am not happy unless I have a fire sign lady in my life.
I have noticed that when I have hung out with women of water or earth signs, even if they have made it really easy to the point of offering me sex on a platter, I am not happy and even turn it down. Air sign women can occasionally be fun but I really only
- Body language vs abusive language and happily ever after
I am reading this post and everybody having similar opinion but in life there are examples that I wish I could understand.
My relatives Aries and Sag were married for 64 years and their language for each other varied from ‘die bitch’ to ‘go hang yourself
- How To Find Inner Peace With Spiritual Healer in Vaughan?
Astro Kashi Ji easily connects with the mind, soul, and body of any person who is mentally exhausted and he completely heals from all worries and concerns, troubles and removes all concerns effectively from their life. So if you are pondering 'where to ge
- Anything unique going on cosmically?
It seems that most of my family members are behaving strangely over the past few weeks. Anything going on cosmically that might explain it?
- Hey Old Timers!
Not sure how many old timers are still around, but just wanted to say hi!
Hi to everyone else too anyway :-)