May 24, 2022
May 24, 2022 is a Tuesday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 8.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On May 24
Topics Created On May 24, 2022
- Any other geminis get stared at even harder than normal on Gemini season?
Or is it just me?
- Prejudice or not
I have a thought. If someone for some reason that is justified or not disliking certain group of people but not wishing harm on them by no means - just wishing to stay away or them to stay away - are these people still be calling prejudice?
Or is this ph
- Calm Love Peace and Life
Watched Steve Harvey’s last night.
It happened that so many different ages people were asking for an advice and some are really dumb like ‘how can I make my wife to cook more often’ by 500lb man…
So I am just thinking if (hypothetically) love life becom
- Mental health and coping skills
It’s recently come to my attention things are like really, realllly bad out there.
This girl from a fairly-well off family was thrown a birthday bash by her parents. She had a secret boyfriend who I guess couldn’t attend but never even bothered wishing h
- Taureans how do you deal with unfortunate life events?
I am wondering how do you deal with great disappointments in life, like betrayal from friends, family or from business partners? I am speaking on an emotional level. Do you ever get over it? And how do you do that?
- Let’s talk CLOTHES
I am living by Bloomingdale’s, Nordstrom, Sacks and other places…
I used to buy clothes that I still have because it’s timeless and I am sick of it and it’s too big but no friggin way I am parting with $500 sweater! Or La Spiga shoes…it’s vintage now!
- Alone by Edgar Alan Poe
I prefer to read his works. But this narrator is nice to listen to.
- Virgo man ghosted me.
I'm an Aries woman (26), I was in a LDR with a Virgo guy (23), everything was okay until we had a nonsense fight and two days later, I found out he created an account on a site to meet new people, but anyway, he said that he wasn't there to flirt or whate