May 6, 2022
May 6, 2022 is a Friday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 8.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On May 6
Topics Created On May 6, 2022
- Aries Mooners, how to win you over?
- Anyone else have a sign they keep attracting into their life?
Romantically that is.
I have a Leo Sun and a Virgo moon, for some reason, I cannot get Sagittarius women out of my life. Looked through my Bumble, at least 10+ matches were Sags. Most women I hooked up with ended up with an early December birthday. FML m
- Boundaries in relationships
I see alot of times where a partner crosses a line and the other forgives them.and sets boundaries. I cant imagine myself doing that. I feel like a person eill always be themselves. Rather in front of you or behind your back, their true self will always e
- Jupiter Transits...
Which house is Jupiter, the planet of expansion, transiting to your chart and can you relate?
I’ve it hitting my 12th and can relate to the behind the scenes theme.
- Men are called pussy whipped and women?
When I was married to a Cap - he was lazy and was letting me do everything as long as he doesn’t have to but I was young and I didn’t know and didn’t care.
Not too long ago I had briefly worked in the office and man and woman in their 70th came and ha wa
- What is Devine loving masculinity?
What is Devine loving masculinity?
- Taurus man said he likes me then ran away
Simply curious if this is a Taurus behavior.
We were seeing each other and even spent holidays together. He talked about wanting to be together next year too. About four months in I asked him casually if he wants us to be more serious and told him I didn