May 19, 2022
May 19, 2022 is a Thursday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 3.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On May 19
Topics Created On May 19, 2022
- How Men Pack their packages if it’s oversized?
Watched Led Zeppelin and thought about Plants dick being so in my face…not that I minded. But I gave birth to a question.
In my youth when jeans were every person main pants I’ve seen plenty of guys (wild youth) who were well endowed and wore jeans grac
- Dick Power vs BDE
It came to my attention that some women mistaking big dicks in size with big dick in performance.
I am totally and I hope heartedly believing that satisfaction is not in the size and my bestie married one with micro penis 30 years ago and still loving h
- I didn’t know they ACTUALLY google-able!
Astrology & Dicks
After a two year long intensive research, I was able to collect information about dick sizes and shapes and how the astrological signs influence them. For this particular scientific investigation in this unexplored realm, I concluded
- My Library.
- How long do Aries been crush.. in general?
If you thought this was wife material..
But, It didn’t work out,(for whatever reason) how long are you crushing?
If, it peaked your interest but it didn’t work out (Because of circumstances) How long are you crushing?
- Funny NAMES
I am calling people and I came across names
ERROR (hope this means something in another language lmao)
ANJAIL (Have they misspelled Angel?)
PRUDENCE who is a man so I was wondering what’s his short name - Pru or Dence? None sound cool.
And I w
- virgo man says his patience ran out and that he no longer cares
virgo man that i have been dealing with romantically says he no longer cares. We have been having ups and downs but for him to say this only hurts. What do i do?
- virgo man says his patience ran out and that he no longer cares
virgo man that i have been dealing with romantically says he no longer cares. We have been having ups and downs but for him to say this only hurts. What do i do?