May 23, 2022
May 23, 2022 is a Monday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 7.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On May 23
Topics Created On May 23, 2022
- New age of crisis
Are our decision-makers are prepared for a dangerous mix of environmental and security crises?
A dangerous mix of environmental and security crises poses complex risks to world peace, according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SI
- Healing Video Game Music ☽ Zone. 2
Please add and share game music that helps your day and eases depression in you..
And if you have time, post any games you are looking forward to.
News or anything having to do with games. thanks ~
Original Thread [Archived]
- Tall dark and handsome and broke or short light and ugly and rich?
A spin off from the tall dark and handsome or short and ugly thread. But with a twist. The tall dark and handsome and broke dude is very good looking who keeps himself clean at all times and at all cost but with a nasty personality while having a good sex
- Drawing You ☽
Post A Picture of You* Or a loved One*
I'll draw it. Or Paint it. I don't mind.
- Libra said I was the best thing
That happened to him this year and he was happy
To have met me then started acting stupid.
Before that things were pretty good. FaceTimed and talked a lot, and was having good sex. but then he started acting funny.
I didn’t consider him for a relation
- Kundli and planetary position
Never heard of that.
Is this anything interesting? 🤔
- Jealous of My Husband
Watching stand up. Jealous wife.
How tall is your husband?
Husband height!
What cologne is your husbands favorite?
My husband smell cologne
What is your husbands favorite movie?
OUR WEDDING movie!!!
How jealous ARE YOU?