May 7, 2022
May 7, 2022 is a Saturday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 9.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On May 7
Topics Created On May 7, 2022
- Does weed helping erection etc?
All pot heads invited for discussion.
- Leo woman could that be your entrance song in a club?
Is this a cliche but I always visualize a leo woman with dramatic slightly haughty eyes go in a club with all eyes turning to her when I hear this song:
- The US government
At this point, do ppl really believe they have us, americans, best interest in mind? Freedom is the biggest American illusion in my eyes.
- I want to talk Houses in Birth Chart
- Let’s see house 8 for me - INTUITION!
I have 4 8th houses. My intuition is the reason I started looking what is in my chart responsible for intuition…and BINGO!
True Node
And like I said I SEE trough people - not as much for anything but love/partnership/sex 🤷♀️
The myst
- My house 11
I also have 3 of those
And I had always chosen people I am comfortable with avoided some where I didn’t feel good…but most of my youth I spent with criminal friends of the neighborhood. I felt good with them. But I was that good girl w
- what do you think
of missmisha's analysis of girlfriends by zodiac sign?
great girlfriends for aint shit nxggas. they loooove taking care of people and being ~useful~ for others so bum nxggas will thrive in a relationship with these women. they will cook, clean, d
- Taurus man broke up
Hi everyone,
I’m a cancer woman, that had a 2 years crush on a taurus man work colleague (that became my 2nd level boss with time…). My moon is in Taurus and his in Virgo.
It turned up that the feelings were mutual so we got together during last summer.