May 9, 2022
May 9, 2022 is a Monday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 2.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On May 9
Topics Created On May 9, 2022
- Why Gemini women are the best match for a Leo guy.
So I have to say it, there is no better match for a Leo guy than a Gemini girl. Now this is a combo that gets talked about nicely and any Leo that marries a Gemini is going to be one happy Lion set to live an amazing life. I've had nothing but respect, lo
- what sign energies
will give off the strongest himbo vibes? lights are on but nobody's home? strong, dumb, respectful and polite? gentle, sweet and kind? is this a gen z thing? or more of a millennial thing? is your dad a himbo? have you dated a himbo? if you don't get it t
- Your Age and Your Biggest Regret
So, what’s yours?
Maybe this post will light a fire under someone.
- The highest form of lilth
Rough draft: if I don't write it down I will forget.
Black moon Lilth is a karmic placement.
It is more then that tho. So much more.
The traditional stories involving the bible are one way of expression. Lilth inflicted goes to the extremes. Either wa
- Let's Switch it Up!
Hey oh 🙃
I decided I want to start meal planning a little better again.. kinda haven't been sticking to any plan or anything and I've ended up wasting food n $$ n it's irritating me.
So.. I think it'd be fun to cook up one recipe/meal from somewhere el
- Sagittarius wants to keep Scorpio around
I am Scorpio girl and he is Sag male. We have been dealing with each other since July of last year off and on. We decided that we will not be in a relationship neither have sex because I will be going away for school in October since we don’t want the pro