May 12, 2022
May 12, 2022 is a Thursday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 5.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On May 12
Topics Created On May 12, 2022
- I started feeling drowsy as soon as Taurus season happened
1. Way more napping after work
2. Out of the groove on working out and lifting weights
3. Eating more too than I would like
- What's the best things you like about your generation?
OK I know this is a pretty difficult subject as most of us old timers might not remember too much from our past lives and what not but if there's anyone that has very good memories from their past what is it that you liked about the generation you came fr
- Understanding a Libra
We not thenmodt popular sign on here lol. And western astrology will convince you we soft.
Let me tell ya.....thats the furthest thing from the truth. I know plenty OGs that's Libras. Some I kicked it with. They was too with the shits for me lol But I k
- Eurovision and US
How come we don’t have anything g like Eurovision in USA?
Is that because our stars won’t step on the same stage with other stars because it’s just…not what we do? 🤔