October 17, 2015
October 17, 2015 is a Saturday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 8.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On October 17
Topics Created On October 17, 2015
- Neeed help virgos !
- issues with Virgo men
This is a really long read but for people interested in this match you might find my thoughts relatable. I wanted to get some Taurus girl input on their experience with Virgo men to see if my experiences were shared by others. so, I've dated two Virgo guy
- what's the deal with you virgo men?
- Aquarius man bizarre behavior?
I saw this guy on Facebook through suggested friends and on impluse I added him. I knew that we knew each other from somewhere but didn't remember where - plus he was so handsome to me. An hour after that he accepted my request and another hour after that
- Aquarius man bizarre behavior towards me, a Pisces
I saw this guy on Facebook through suggested friends and on impluse I added him. I knew that we knew each other from somewhere but didn't remember where - plus he was so handsome to me. An hour after that he accepted my request and another hour after that
- If you believe in soulmates
How do you know you are "ready" to meet? Someone had mentioned being ready before and I am curious about that. I don't believe in it per-say, but it is interesting to think about.
- Hot and Cold; Driving Me Insane. Or was I insane to begin with?
Met a cap back in summer. We've been talking nonstop and got on really well, our sense of humor clicked and we had a lot in common. We went on date and started slow but really hit it off. Then we found out that we actually didn't realize that our jobs wer
- How to deal with Scorpio's moodiness/distance?
As a pisces I'm a sponge. I try to keep on the positive side once I have a plan in place to take care of a specific problem. How do I deal with incessant moodiness? I don't take it personal and I give him distance. We are not in a relationship but I wa
- Gone,return,gone,return,sweet,mixed,bitter..oh WTH!!
So I'll try this again.My cancerian ex and I were in a serious committed relationship for a year but then we brokeup on April because i broke his trust .Things were still great between us and June got even better.It was going great until his degree finals
- Pisces Woman and Cap man.
I'd like too take a quick moment to say hello first. I'm new to the forums. Anyways I'm a Pisces woman and my boyfriend is an older Capricorn man. I love him a lot. Capricorns can sometimes be more about actions then words, my inner Pisces instincts ar
- True
- Friends ... vs Best Friends
This appealed to me, for some reason :) For one thing, it emphasized the uselessness of acquaintances for anything other than.... ok, I got nothing-- maybe business, but still.... if we're going to lunch, you're likely going to be my friend o
- Lost thread
I am looking for Show me your hands thread. Please, help. Also if anyone knows why is my notification is always 1 even when I am getting 10 replies? Thanks
- I would TURN the NOTIFICATIONS back ON.
That is how I would make this site better. :|
- Will a virgo maybe come back?
Him: Sun Virgo Moon Pisces Mercury Leo Venus Leo Mars Virgo Jupiter Leo Me: Sun Pisces Moon Scorpio Mercury Pisces Venus Aries Mars Cancer Jupiter Libra This virgo guy and I both work in a
- Pisces bully
Me and my boyfriend broke up because he said he was a bad boyfriend and that he is not the type of guy to stay in a relationship without cheating. He informed me that we could still be friends and I said okay. The next week I went back to school and he st
- Creepiest things on the internet
As another summer decomposes we aproach yet another Halloween. A celebration of death and all the other creepy things associated with it. I though it would be a terrible idea to make a thread dedicated to the creepiest things on the web. So before this th
- Would you ever avoid having a child of a particular sign?
I feel like there's a number of you who are passionate about disliking certain signs. It made me wonder if any of you would take it far as to not conceive (or hope if you're a male) during a certain time because of it? Alternatively, are there particula
- These placements show.....?
How would a guy act if he has Mars libra Venus in capricorn and pisces moon all with sun in capricorn? Is there anything I should watch out for?
- Ex...
My ex is a fucking dick head.. He's a Taurus I'm a Taurus maybe that's why we didn't work out.. He's a selfish pompous arrogant bitch.. Lol never again, anyone else feel that hatred towards an ex? If so, what was his/her sign and what made him/her such a
- He's being horrible.
- Sagittarius man with Venus in Scorpio
So I've been seeing this guy a few months and at first he came on pretty strong. Now I feel like he just tries to play mind games with me. I'm a gemini so it keeps me intrigued which is actually bad cause I like the chase. He goes away for weeks at a time
- How to 'start over'?
This has happened to me many times: I'll talk to a guy and they disappear. Then come back. Then disappear again. I have a guy who I talked to 2 years ago randomly messaged me on facebook. I've been reading on numerous site to "make them start over" but ho
- Help please
Hello everyone, Im just wanting to ask for signs that a taurus male isnt intrested in you or when they are using you?
- Why is he doing this
I posted this in the relationships and dating section http://www.dxpnet.com/opinion/relationships-astrology/he-s-being-horrible-5784156.asp If anyone can give any advice or insight that would be appreciated