October 21, 2015
October 21, 2015 is a Wednesday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 3.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On October 21
Topics Created On October 21, 2015
- Moon-Mars Aspects: The Defender
With the Moon conjunct, square, opposite, sextile, or trine Mars, you’re the defender. This combination gives you a feisty fighting spirit that will not quit. It can be a very compulsive thing, as the Moon represents our instincts and gut reactions whil
- Is this Leo jealous ?
so my Leo male is my bestfriend and I just recently got a boyfriend and before that guy asked me out I told my Leo about how he was kinda player . And so that guy asked me out yesterday and said he wasn't going to hurt me so I said yes and I told my Leo m
- Aquarius woman with boyfriend wants to sleep with me?
Since I read in a previous thread Aquarius women are normally loyal what up with this chick? She said she thinks I am sexy and she wants to have sex. I asked her if she was single, she said she has a man who helps her out, who she sleeps with and doesn't
- Aquarius and other air signs; how do you respond to be ignored from someone you like romantically?
I suspect you lose interest and move on? Am I correct?
- What's your Saturn and does it represent your biggest fears and insecurities?
In the big sheme of things, what you're scared of, what makes you uncomfortable, I'm pretty sure it's your Saturn. My biggest fear is everything going wrong, and not getting enough recognition or "praise" for my efforts...Leo Saturn.
- I'm glad they added a + button...but could it be simpler to use please?
Can we NOT have to click a thing in the middle of the screen AND can it not open a NEW PAGE JUST TO SEE THE COMMENT ON ITS OWN? I mean who needs that? It's such a waste of time....
- Aquarian spirit animal
http://youtu.be/UhJFm8HgOkQ This is kurt Coleman and he's Australia's network socialite who says what he thinks and everyone hates him for it, he's pretty much prince Pisces but with a tan. I think his humour is very Aquarian, dry and reflects the s
- Libra Help Please answer
I m a Virgo and I just met a sweet libra guy. I just got a job and he s been so sweet to me helping me out and he touched my butt 3 times but he claims it was a accident. He s smiled at me, and tried to hold my hand or just touch it. He tries to be near m
- Saturn left a bad taste
Is it me or does it still feel like Saturn is still in Scorpio?? It was all good 'till about August and even with Jupiter in Virgo I can't seem to feel like I'm not just treding water! Either Saturn has left a bad taste this time around or it's the sun
- VIRGO GIRLS ONLY!! What are you experiences with other signs?
Wondering if it's just me or have other Virgos experienced the same things... Pisces: I have a love/hate relationship with Pisces men. Every Pisces guy I meet, we just seem to "click" on a gut level. They're extremely caring and so much fun, they make
- I keep dreaming about parties...
Like one night I dreamed I was at this pool party. A couple nights later, I dreamed I was at this house party/kickback type thing. My latest dream was this rave kind of party, like Project X or something. Nothing in particular happens at these parties, ju
- Am confused and really dont know what to do
I met this libran guy two months back through common friends. He was after me from day one and i never realized it and after two weeks of texting and like getting to be friends he told my friend he likes me and before two of my close friends he said he li
- It's been a long 3 days since I broke up with my Scorpio BF.......
And I only did it because I felt like he was pushing me away as well as acting cavalier/cold when I expressed my concerns. He got to the point to where when I asked him when he thought he could make himself available to talk about the disconnect in our r
- Gosh, I need sex and sleep
I've never gone so long without before. Well... maybe after Leo. But now, I'm feeling the lack and its getting to me, I guess, cause I'm so strung up I can't even sleep.
- Libra Man is Driving Me Crazy
So, I've been with my Libra for about 1 year and some change, and it's good. It just happens that sometimes my Aries fire gets in the way. We got in a little argument about three weeks ago, and I apologized because in the end it was my fault. It's been go
- what do you make of this venus in taurus?
Back story, we were friends for years and he made a move last July. We had a rocky start but he kept trying and now here we are again a year later. he still shows up when theres a chance of me being around. He hovers, occasionally giving me space. The
- Libra female / Virgo male - help meeee
Hi guys, Just need a teensy bit of advice ... (Longer than I thought sorry) Newly seeing a Virgo, first two weeks full of lots of chats seeing each other four times (quite a bit but my birthday weekend kinda opened up more dates) in la la land enjoying
- I don't wanna be an Aries anymore.
I've always been very proud about my star sign Aries. As a child a was full of energy and surrounded by friends that loved me. I was smily, friendly, loyal and creative. But now I'm a young woman I really can't deal anymore with my impulsivity and all the
- Guess it's time to walk away..
Some of ya'll have read my post on Confused. Well I have been playing it cool...just texting him every few days. He has texted me in between them days. Last night he texted me good night and we started talking. He asked me to help him get a job where I wo
- Mitacle prayer
Pray this short powerful prayer to the Holy Spirit in times of need, and He will hear and answer you. Say it nine times in a row, for three days, and then publish. God Bless You! HOly Spirit, You who make me see everything and showed me the way to re
- Cap moon * I use * please spill it
Wondering what the cap Mooners thoughts on this. Have you used a situation or someone for your benefit? Have u even gone further to date someone to get a benefit of something of some sort..?
- Some insight on cancer sun Virgo moon guy
So we have been texting and conversating on the phone... Took me to breakfast and we hit it off fine... Two days in a row he's Bebe hinting at me like "no good morning? I feel like I'm chasing the cat... I guess I think about you more than you think about
- Moon conjunct Chiron
"When Chiron is attached to the Moon, either in the natal chart or via synastry, the Moon’s natural need to be fed, cherished and securely attached is never satisfied. We learn early on that the manifest world is not our refuge. It is replaced by an e
- Cancer help.... im in a little dilema...
Hi, crabs how are y'all doing this lovely morning? (in my time zone)... As you all might know by now, the reason I'm always here is because cancer ex-Best friend and I don't talk to each other since out fall out a little bit more than a year ago... las
- Aries Sun/Virgo Moon
Any of you have this? What are you like in a relationship and what kind of guy/sign do you go for?
- People of Neptune
Neptune dominant listen up Things to Stop Doing Immediately Abusing substances. Hate to be a buzzkill, but Neptune is a hypersensitizing influence, especially if you have Neptune in aspect to the Sun, Moon, or the Ascendant or if you have Pisces
- astroprediction.net - predictive astrology that works.
http://astroprediction.net/ Astro Prediction uses the Slow Progression (Secondary Direction) (which is considered by the majority of astrologers to be the most important form of progression) as the primary method of prediction. The Slow Progressions (S
- astroprediction.net - predictive astrology that works.
http://astroprediction.net/ Astro Prediction uses the Slow Progression (Secondary Direction) (which is considered by the majority of astrologers to be the most important form of progression) as the primary method of prediction. The Slow Progressions (S
- Aries Ascendant
O the joys of being Libra Sun + Aries Ascendant anyone else have this?
- Fellow librans how do you react to heartbreak
Hello fellow librans I'm curious to see how you guys react to bad news in the love department. Do you create assumptions and become a homebody worry wart? I sure do hahaha Usually there's the lets think of the worst case scenario Panic Spend the d
- Saggy Self Awareness
How self aware are you of yourself? Ie. your flaws and where you could improve.
- Cappy self awareness
How self aware are you of yourself? Ie. your flaws and where you could improve, your relationships and how you are in them. Your habits..stuff like that. I hope this question isn't confusing :) Sorry, it's 4am where I am.
- Completely shutting off
I don't know if any other librans experience this but after a bad experience with a potential love interest I completely shut off. Throw myself in to my work and various other things but socially become very closed off. I don't feel like speaking to anyon
- How bad is this synastry
Oppositions: Saturn/Mars, Mars/Mercury, Jupiter/Jupiter, Moon/Uranus and MC/Pluto Sextiles: Venus/Neptune, Sun/NN, Jupiter/Uranus Trine: Ascendant/NN, Saturn/Mercury, Mars/Mars Squares: Venus/Saturn, Mercury/Venus, Sun/MC, Pluto/Mercury,
- Interesting fact about my Bull and I (Pisces)
We both live in apartments but his dream home is a boat house…as for me I wouldn't be comfortable living on the water at all and always craved solid houses on the ground and with a big back garden full of soil and plants… He is wishing to be near wat
- How bad is this synastry
Oppositions: Saturn/Mars, Mars/Mercury, Jupiter/Jupiter, Moon/Uranus and MC/Pluto Sextiles: Venus/Neptune, Sun/NN, Jupiter/Uranus Trine: Ascendant/NN, Saturn/Mercury, Mars/Mars Squares: Venus/Saturn, Mercury/Venus, Sun/MC, Pluto/Mercury,
- Early B-day present for you all~
[img]http://i.imgur.com/VI1nr3b.jpg[/img] This marks a declaration of war against the entire board! Bring your best or else you'll all be labeled as the weakest water sign and your sexiest sin title will go to Leos! [img]http://i.imgur.com/sYOK9Kq.gi
Fat little dude in the show, They fuck up every thing good for them because they think they know it all when IRL they don't know shit. All Aquarius folk I know act like this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hp5iCkuhNnk Im Geminieyes
- This is an invasion.
Dear Aqua board, I am formally addressing you all to inform you that you are being invaded today. Prepare yourself for a swift and rough invasion, where you'll have no choice but to accept the invasion and learn to live with new status quo. Thus, I hav
- Walks into your house...
*Casually eats your food, wipes his mouth using that blanket your family member gave you, sits on your couch and watches your television* You gonna take this or doing something about it, crabs? *Mumbles to self* Hahaha. All I need them to do is try to
- Sucky birthday
I was having a good birthday until I realized that it is 6 pm and the guy I was involved with still hasn't wished me happy birthday. I am beyond angry and I'm not sure how I will respond if he decides to message me again but I can see myself being very na
- Let him go!
- Caps are Classy, huh?
When you read that, what comes to mind? What do you picture? I'm curious about what that word brings up in the minds of my fellow seagoats.
- Miracle prayers
Pray this prayer daily for 3 consecutive days, your prayer will be answered after the third day. In making your request, promise to publish this prayer ( share in writing on the internet this prayer or distribute this prayer to others ). Holy Spirit
- Help this Fish deal with her insecure Crab
I have been dating the loveliest crab. He came into my life somewhat unexpectedly and things will never be the same. Our sex is out of this world! He is sweet, affectionate and thoughtful, going out of his way to do nice things for me. After dating