October 18, 2015
October 18, 2015 is a Sunday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 9.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On October 18
Topics Created On October 18, 2015
- Should I just let my Sag friend initiate contact?
This was my friend I recently spoke about. She's super chill and has very similar energy, as I said on the previous post. My question is, considering the fact that she's a fire sign and mutable, should I expect her to come to me to hangout? I've never dea
- Critique my Articles
I'm going to write a blog but I have no idea how good I am at writing... so I will ask you guys to critique my works. This is going to be a thread about the articles I've written.
- Forgiveness
How do you forgive somebody who wronged you? What do you do if somebody says "sorry" but was apparently mad at you while saying it? Do you count it as a genuine form of saying "sorry"?
- Is Leo a good match for a Virgo
Or is Sag better? I'm choosing among three women, two of them are Leo and the other is Sag. I don't understand this because no one ever told me that Virgo is compatible with either. I find Leos more stable and comfortable to be with than Sag. Sag loves to
- Neptune in Pisces
in the skies. have any of you folks been having vivid dreams every night??? it's super intense. every single night! i can see everything, every detail, and it's strange, i tell my relatives and they tell me they never remember their dreams.
- What is a Cap BF like?
Has anyone ever had a Cap BF? What was he like on a scale of 1 - 10 in the following areas: - Caring - Towards your family - Generous - Kind - Attentive - Sweet - Loyal - Effort Feel free to share any other information. My Cap is a Cap/Aqu
- Virgo Men and Pisces Women: Long Distance Relationship
Hey! I'm Mizu and I'm a Pisces woman with a Moon in Gemini and a Venus in Aquarius. The guy I'm currently dating a Virgo man with a Moon and Venus in Virgo. First off, 2-3 years ago we met each other over Instagram. I know meeting him over social
- Virgo Moon + Leo Moon?
I need a bit of advice here :( I am a Leo moon in a relationship with a Virgo moon. We've been together almost a year now and I love our relationship. The only issue is that as a Leo moon I crave affection and intimacy in order to feel safe and cared abou
- How serious is he?
Need some advice on my taurus man. We've been together for about a year and a half. Things started slowly and I was a patient Aqua(was a new experience for me lol). Once he fell for me it surprised me that this reserved guy asked me to be exclusive, tol
- I'm a Libra female. Why do I attract so many Cancer men?
I am a go-getting, career oriented, independent Libra woman with a lot of Sag planets. Throughout my life, I have attracted a lot of Cancer men who want to take care of me. I like them a lot.....they are a soothing, stable influence, but I find them too m
- Libra Woman/Virgo Man...the distance is killing me?!
Hi All, I’m hoping you can help me. I met this Virgo guy about 2 months ago (I’m a Libra, both in our 30s). We hit it off instantly and started hanging out, and it got pretty intense really fast. He spoke about marriage and having children and just ho
- Take life too seriously?
So a week ago a guy told me "you shouldn't take life so seriously" I didn't think much of it and just said "ok" meanwhilr thinking "whatever" in my head! I guess I kinda brushed it off bc this guy hardly knows me and I didn't think he was being accura
- Im only nice to you if....
I want something from you or you show interest in me. Other than that I don't give a fuck.
- Where is Rabbit?
- Virgo Pisces breakup
Please advise. I'm a Pisces female who recently had a break-up from a year long relationship with a Virgo male. I truly love him. I thought he felt the same. We had disagreements, but no real arguments. We both have children from previous marriages.
- Capricorn Pokerface
Owns all, even pluto heavy people. I was AWKWARD to watch squirm and struggle to talk to me about clarifying about what I was doing for a project we're working on together. Arms and a blank expression = Anyone talking to you struggling to get it out
- Abrupt shift from focusing on love to focusing on career
For the past several years, I was obsessed with romance and finding the right guy, even during the entire duration of my PhD program. All of a sudden, in late September and at age 33, I now find exclusive pleasure in focusing on career and making money. I
- Best Female Action Scene
in your opinion. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kh5lYoAREXY
- Signs and eating habits
Every Aqua, including myself, I've encountered appear to be picky or health-conscious eaters in comparison to Libras or Sagittariuses who are open to eating or trying literally anything (which is great because they're not difficult to cook for). I also no
- Any numerologists here?
If there are, would you mind telling me about how these two people and birth dates are compatible? I'm also wondering if numerology can tell when people may get into a relationship. If it can, can you give me a date? First person: 08/12/1989 Seco