October 19, 2015
October 19, 2015 is a Monday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 1.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On October 19
Topics Created On October 19, 2015
- capricorn men, i have zero expierience with them.
Hi i'm a scorpio, have no experience with capricorn men. so i knew this guy from school, for a number. of years but never talked to him. Recently two months ago we started working together, and at first all he did was give me the silent treatment, and was
- Confused
I just discovered this forum last night. Reading through the cancer thread, I have to say a lot of sounds exactly like what I am going through with the cancer man I am "seeing". I wish I would have found this forum a lot sooner. A little about my situati
- Are All Our Lives Meant To Look This Bleak?
http://www.nytimes.com/2015/10/18/nyregion/dying-alone-in-new-york-city.html?_r=0 As I read this article I couldn't help but think of how the deceased sounded so Capricorny... And He was! Born January 15 1942. This article stirred some thoughts in me
- Rom-Coms
So tired of them. How about a movie that is realistic.... the person dies or leaves...or something other than the two people always end up together.
- How do you know how an astrological even affects you?
I found this list of events from Cafe Astrology http://www.cafeastrology.com/daily/MonthlyDetails2015October.pdf I only vaguely understand astrology though. Can someone give me a basic run down of how I positions are suppose to affect me? I'm trying to
- Dang. I am having trouble.
- TAURUS guy ignoring me now ? someone please help me thank you .
I had been dating a taurus guy for 7 months online, we would talk and chat on phone and call on skype. I went mad at him one day. I told him not to contact me ever. We were getting to know each other and see if we can be together in the future. BUT after
- do you believe in cusps?
My friend was born June 21st in new York. I feel bad for her because she literally doesn't know if she's a Gemini or cancer. She's torn. Is anyone here born on this day, in America? Who do you identify more with? We have read several books and they all
- Libra woman, says she needs to be alone
Hi all, long time listener, first time caller Iam a Pisces, She is a Libra, (I regret not putting her chart together) its a longish story, but bear with me... weve been seeing each other for about 5 months now We met through a mutual friend, and
- Another Sag on my heels...
Hey guys , Its been a while since I've jumped into these boards with my stuff.. I'm laughing at myself for even posting... but here goes. My wonderful Centaurs... NO matter how much I try to stay in my own lane somehow......a Sag picks up a whiff of my
- any reliable Chinese astrology site
Please suggest any reliable website to find my Chinese sign
- whhhaaaaaaaattttttttt is going on
My ex Cap and I are at loggerheads every five minutes at the moment, (broke up about two weeks or so ago) fighting via text and then radio silence for a day at most - then back to texting amicably then fighting- it's just bizarre. We say things you w
- GEMS, are you needing emotional/mental space right now?? What's going on?
Are you guys having a rough couple months, especially this month? All my Gem peeps are acting distant, not their playful and communicative selves. Are you guys feeling emotionally/mentally drained? Going through stuff..? I want to help my Gem friends but
- texting him
So I decided to text this Cancer Man "I really desire your kiss right now but you're far away " and I got no response at all! Normally he texts me back really quick. Now nothing. WTF? Did I came on too strong? Was he surprised? Did he feel it didn't need
- How do I find the "other" signs?
Like the moon, what in Venus, etc? :)
- Shit exploded lol
Ok I will explain the whole situation and this could just be his Pisces moon(sensitive) Sag Mars(flighty when mad) but if someone flipped you the bird (I was drunk ok and I was laughing when I did it) would you storm out of a party and then delete that pe
- Virgo Males and his need to fix women
Having grown up with a Virgo as a daughter, I have seen certain choices with Virgo males and relationships. As a teen daughter, my father was divorced and he ended up going out with the head nurse at a major hospital. He had been dating for awhile when I
- Whoever gotten oyes0435 palm reading
Can you please, comment. And also info on picture attachment would be appreciated. Thanks
- Is he over me?
Been really good friends with this guy for six years plus. He always liked me..never made it a secret. Would flirt, want to see me all the time, would compliment me, say I was special to him, went as far as saying he could see us together in the future to
- Has he got no feelings left?
Been really good friends with this guy for six years plus. He always liked me..never made it a secret. Would flirt, want to see me all the time, would compliment me, say I was special to him, went as far as saying he could see us together in the future to
- I wanna be a young mum
Whats your sign & what dyou think about being a young parent? 21 yr old cancer.
- The +1 and
Can we not have it next to the quote button? Or fix it, in case one accidentally"likes" some posts and can't back out.
- Saturday morning
I cleaned my house for 6 hours and 45 minutes. Virgo moon problems. The sick part is, I enjoyed every minute of it.
- tips for breaking bad habits?
I.e. not going to the gym, being lazy, not reading enough. How do you overcome your weaknesses?
If you came at me cause you were sensative but not too much lol. (We were figuring out if we should date others and I said he can do as he please but I don't do f u c k buddies or one night stands or flings). He said I made him out to be a whore lmaooooo
- giving my bull space...
I've been realizing that my bull has been acting pretty selfish. He spends time with me on the weekends but ends up upset about our time together because he didn't get done the things he needed or wanted to do. He says he loves me and wants to marry me
- Reliable horoscopes
Can anyone recommend which website provides the most reliable horoscope forecast please? Thanks
- Deadlock with a cap man
I was told by an astrologer that I am going to end up with a man who would be in life in Jan 2015. That is my cap friend. He told me how much he loves a girl, dunno why, I started behaving very weirdly with him. I just told him about the prediction. I
- Aquarius men
Y so cute. Lmao ~ not really Why are you so boring???. I would love to be w an aqua. But they get too boring for me :l Any tips on making these people wake tf up?.lol
- Couples with the same sign
Am i the only one who finds this weird? You have other 11 signs to explore and you choose to get with your twin. Lmao - talk about "taking risks"
- To what extent is celebrity crushes a problem?
Hi everybody, I would like to know everybody's input on how far celebrity crushes should be tolerated within a relationship? I just recently broke up my relationship and this was partially a deciding factor. My thoughts and feelings about the issue i
- What happened to the "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" post?
Still waiting for mine to get done. I want a refund.
- Your own & your closest friends signs?
Cancer female- my teenage yrs best friend was a Taurus... until she married my brother lmao BFF n1 : Leo male BFf n2: Aqua female Bff n3: Virgo female bff n4: Cancer female
- do they return
I posted something about a cancer male previously. At this point I don't feel as though he will ever contact me again. I think whatever he said to me in the end was so cold that there's no coming back from it. I don't understand
- Aquas
What's your reaction, both internal (gut) reaction and external reaction when you see your partner upset/sad/frowning and you don't know why? Do you assume it's you? Do you try to make them feel better right away? Do you let them be?
- Having the "talk"
So here's the story.....Gemini man and I have been getting to know each other for the last 2 1/2 months but it's mostly been over the phone. We communicate every day by either text or phone, phone conversations range from anywhere between 1-6 hrs, and we
- What is my Libra ex boyfriend ACTUALLY thinking and feeling?
I'm a Leo, the (recent) ex boyfriend is a Libra. We met online. Started e-mailing back and forth daily for about 3 months. Then we went to text/phone calls for about a month, then started actually dating three months ago. So I guess you could say
- Cassadaga, FL
A community full of psychics. I know LetItBe and some others on here have mentioned going. I'm going on holiday to Orlando this week and was thinking about checking it out. Any recommendations? Any practitioners that I should try and schedule a read wit
- here we go again
Why do libras love flattering the opposite sex so much
- What's your opinion of women with Venus in Aries?
I'm a Venus in Aries Taurus Sun Sag Moon female and I feel like every time I like a guy, like right now for instance, I'm the one doing the chasing. Is this a turn-off for most men regardless of their zodiac sign?
- A male Taurus friend, situation I don't get
I've a Taurus male friend(30yrs,his Venus on Taurus).Im a Leo-Virgo cusp female(29).I'm a photographer, 3 years ago a huge mall stole my pics & refused to admit it or credit me. The issue took a while without any luck.Ok there was a guy working on local b
- The Sign of Your Best Friend?
Just curious, as I know friendships often have signs coming together who would not otherwise in a romantic match. My best friend is a Capricorn and a Taurus. I am a Cancer.
- Say Something Nice About the Sign Above you
I'll start, I'm a Cancer AND I PROMISE I will participate. Make sure to leave your own sign in the response.
- who speaks fluent spanish here?
Are you from Latin Europe or Latin America?