October 29, 2015
October 29, 2015 is a Thursday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 2.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On October 29
Topics Created On October 29, 2015
- Who's ready for November?
Am I the only one who is ready for October to be over with?? Lol I love the holidays and for the next two months I have an excuse to cook tons of stuff and make ppl gain weight :) I know this a random post but I have this super strong urge to text my
- Pisces men: Do you test? What kind of response do you want if so?
Over the past two months I have let a pisces man get under my skin. I'm so confused by it all that I am not even sure what I want anymore. Before I met him I wasn't looking for a relationship. We met online dating and both of our profiles said we wanted t
- The butt of jokes
At work I seem to be the butt of jokes, with the new employees following the lead of others who have been there longer. I just feel like, "Why me?" Why not one of the other guys who have been there. I try to tell myself I'm being too sensitive, but I e
- The problem with calling WOMEN "Females"
- Did I come on too strong?
We met a few months back, instant attraction, ended up seeing each other this past weekend for four days, slept together starting the third day. We have been texting since, but I have FALLEN for this guy. I'm obsessed with him, I can't stop thinking about
- Thinking too much, anyone?
I just got some projects done earlier, and now all i have to do is just waiting for the results to really show up before i really could continue to the next in-depth step. I hate this kind of time of being idle and waiting. Just started a lil project to
- CIA Must Stop Illegal, Counterproductive War to Overthrow Assad
An American member of Congress who has a functioning brain? Too good to be true…
- behaviour of a libra man
hi! am an aries woman, recently i met a libra man, almost 5 month now. he did keep on talking to me every day, sending me msg, wanted to know everything about me, my career, my dream, etc. it has been one week i found that he has stopped texting me on m
- Having surgery this morning, please say a prayer
I experienced mild cramping Monday nigh and by noon yesterday was in the worse stomach pain I've ever experienced in life. It's appendicitis and I have to have surgery this morning. I'm in good hands and my oldest son spent the night with me. My friends a
- Aquarius What Annoys You?
What annoys you fellow Aquarians? I'm curious because I don't know many people who share my sign. Here's some general things that irk me. For one thing I'm not too strict about a lot of things. The only thing I'd say I'm super strict about is my priva
- Damn Cap Back Again
So my previously confusing Cap guy who I let go has consistently been texting me first it was a dumb quote then it was "I miss you" then it was "ok well I will leave you alone then I just thought we could be friends"....these all went unanswered by me. Th
- Awkward!
Okay, so over the years my crushes have always been aquarius. Mostly because they pay the least amount of attention to me. Anyway, there HAVE been more than a couple Aquarius men who have been interested in me-- this is the usual pattern. They like me
- Pholus
y'all, could you please go to astro.com and add Pholus to your natal chart, then check this table http://www.astro.com/swisseph/pholus.htm to see if on the days Pholus Conjunct your natal Mercury something very very very subjectively special happen
- Is this common or what?
I, my sister, brother and father all have Sagittarius moons. Is this rare? Also, both my mother and brother are Aquas with cancer risings and I, my sister, mom and dad all have Aries in Saturn. Both of my parents have Neptune in Scorpio, Pluto i
- opinions on our compatibility?
hi so im a libra girl and my placements are; midheavan Sagittarius, pluto sagittarius, mars sagittarius, venus scorpio, moon libra, sun libra, mercury libra, true lilth virgo, true north node virgo, saturn aries, fortune aries, ascendant pisces, jupiter
- judge our compatibility?
hi so im a libra girl and my placements are; midheavan Sagittarius, pluto sagittarius, mars sagittarius, venus scorpio, moon libra, sun libra, mercury libra, true lilth virgo, true north node virgo, saturn aries, fortune aries, ascendant pisces, jupiter
- Inside the head of a capricorn...?
Hey guys! So I was wondering what goes on in ur head when u like a girl... I mean I know that u r very practical and dont flirt alot n u take ur time to check whether the person u like is the kinda person u want to be with... I am a scorpio! So when I lik
- Libras and selfishness?
I'm pretty sure you guys are familiar with the story of my and my libra girl from previous post, we've been on a better track lately, but a reoccurring issue has just resurfaced. That being, her selfishness, I feel like anything I do that makes her uncomf
- Leo boyfriend gets annoyed when I go out.
So I'm dating a leo guy and I notice that he gets really annoyed when i go out. I tried to talk to him about it but he says that he just wants to know i'm safe so now i give him more details so that he knows i'm safe but now he says i just hate when
- What sign did you give your virginity to?
And what's your sign?
- Pisces Busy?
So I've posted on here before about the guy I'm dating and how this is my first interaction with a Pisces so I would appreciate any advice. I've been seeing him for about a month or so and really like him but he seriously confuses me. I know this month
- opposites
What is it like dating your opposite? I don't understand how people do it, personally I don't think I can im sorry. Even just being friends with my scorpio friend is a huge roller coaster, always unpredictable, never stable, emotionally compatible but
- Returning to a Taurus; Help Needed
First off, I'm an Aquarius male who dated a female Taurus two years ago, naturally throughout my life i had many trust issues with people and couldn't fully trust them. this is a big no-no and the reason why my girlfriend decided she didn't want to be tog
- Would you tell your boyfriend....
when guys are hittin on you.. or if guys are asking your friend if you are committed? Here's the thing.. I'm in a relationship with a Leo and theres an incident that makes me avoid any talk about guys.. I used to chat alot with some guy friend and my b
- Can someone help me interpret my chart?
I have no understanding of 1st, 2nd, 3rd house, and I thought I had an understanding of some things but reading here...I don't. Even a little input would be nice. [url=http://postimg.org/image/tsq8sa2fz/][img]http://s3.postimg.org/tsq8sa2fz/24573259651
- Your Birthday Acknowledged...
https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/90/ae/04/90ae048e4a5f20609b43e47393dda6c1.jpg ... love it? Or hate it?
- What sign do I look like?
- How to get a Taurus woman back.
First off, I'm an Aquarius male who dated a female Taurus two years ago, naturally throughout my life i had many trust issues with people and couldn't fully trust them. this is a big no-no and the reason why my girlfriend decided she didn't want to be tog
- Car Crash..
...It's amazing to me how all 3 of us walked away with bruises only...well I got the brunt of it but still. Flying in the air over the rails and landing in a field...thanks god there was no pole or anything. Car didn't roll over, didn't flip. It fell from
- libra sun, venus scorpio, cancer moon
Can you tell me about thes placements. What do venus do to test you in love, why take so long in love, do they express emotions easily i have a few posts on here and ive been reading about libras number one and now im curious about these placement in love