September 3, 2016
September 3, 2016 is a Saturday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 3.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On September 3
Topics Created On September 3, 2016
- Capricorn man not talking....
There's this Capricorn man that I've known for 3-4 years, he always knew that I liked him. I haven't seen him in 2-3 years but we've been talking through FB for a very long time, I asked him out about a month ago and he rejected me, of course I was hurt b
- Most helpful Thing for a worn out taurus
So my Taurus best friend (also huge crush) is being taken advantage of and is feeling under appreciated because of her generous and kind nature. She told me tonight that the only alone time she gets is in her car.
I know this is very important for Taurus
- Must See films! (the classics)
so what are the must see films :D list below :D
list the "classics"
The dark knight
12 years a slave
django unchained
the godfather
The silence of the lambs
any of the disney movies
pretty woman
the color purple
the breakfast club
- New here. Old problem.
Alright...I just made this account now and all I can say is: what do I do?
I'm a cancer, but my girlfriend is a Virgo, and we've gotten into a over an hour long argument. I sited my sources. Gave factual evidence she couldn't deny, and told her that I
- Capricorn Guy...... Help
I have never met anyone who behaves like him. I don't know if he is a mystery or playing mind games. So me and the cap guy are in the same class in college. From the first week i noticed he stared at me a lot. I caught him looking at me several times. He
- Is it really over?
My now cancer ex-boyfriend and I broke up about a month ago..I broke up with him. My reasoning for breaking up with him is because I felt that he sends too many mixed signals. I feel like he wants me in his life, but he's not ready for REAL commitment. So
- Is there a future with an Aquarius man?
Hi...I met an Aqua man and I really need help in deciphering this man. I am 34 yr old female and he is a 50 yr old Aqua sun, Cappy moon, Pisces venus and juno in Leo. Interestingly, I am a Pisces sun, Uranus in my 7th, Leo moon with my 7th house ruler con
- gemini hot and cold help me guys to decide what to do
i met this guy on tinder and it was a total chemistry on the first date we had so much in common but second date he cooked for me flirts with me and tell me he has commitment issues not one month is over i dont know if im gonna ask a question or leave him
- For those who have served/waitressed
Have you ever had a customer write up a review about the service you gave? Like on yelp or facebook or something? Haha.. ahhh...
Happened to me the other day. Now my manager is angry at meh... and my three shifts a week have been narrowed down to one
- LIE and liars???
what aspects of their charts do you look for to find out if that person is capable of many many lies or not?
- Pisces dealing with Illusion/gut feelings
For my whole life I have always lived in a world in my head. How many other pisces out there are struggling with the same thing?
SO much that I make up things in my head with wishful thinking, and yet don't act them out in person = which then causes fr
- In memory of this pizza
Time of death: 6:38 PM
- The Power of the Pussy by Kara King... Anybody has personal experience? Is this bullshit? Legit?
Chapter one - Men are sexual by nature and women are emotional by nature, women are emotional creatures. You must evolve if you want to beat men at their own game. You must learn to control your emotions When you master the ability to control your emotion
- Stares but ignores me. Does this pisces like me or not?
Hey fishes! I need your help in decoding this guy I met in uni
We were in the same class last year and I'd catch him staring at me several times throughout the semester (around 12 times within our 2 hr class each week). He also does this thing where he
- new
Hey guys I'm new just found this sight. I'm 22 and a scorpio empath.
- What?
What just happened?!!!
- Taurus and Friendships
I realized (since a very long time) that I do not easily make good or worthwhile friendships.. Not that I am not trying, I do try. But the problem is that I find myself ending up being lied to, betrayed, ignored, used by ppl whom I thought are close frien
- do you believe in fate/destiny and all related things?
my mom is a buddhist, of course she has been raising me along with moralities from buddhism. however as i'm growing older, i'm growing away from it, i become non religious myself, the only one thing that i could not agree more when it's about buddhism is
- Will an Aquarius Mars chase a relationship that has no future?
- Airstream, the land yacht
Does anyone own one of these magnificent trailers? It's been a dream of mine to own and renovate one of these bits of history. They are an incredible marriage of function and form.
I'm especially interested in the vintage years. After 66 much of the h
- Press Conference
In light of new evidence I would like to apologize for trolling or not trolling busyeyes. I didn't know i was trolling or not trolling someone with several debilitating mental illnesses.
- Ol' Aqua
So I had a buddy for awhile, with whom I only managed to properly meet and greet around the end of July (we know each other through a Virgo ex). Not that he's a catch on the exterior, but the mental sex ensued almost instantly, so it's safe to state that
- Plan B Leo Dramaaaaa??
So I met a guy on Instagram. We hit things off and we were texting nonstop. After a few months he begged me to meet up (and when I say beg, I'm not exaggerating), so I invited him over. We were initially just enjoying each other's time platonically, but o
- Experiences with pisces
I just realized that I don't really meet pisces people (males specifically) on the daily basis and I've never dated one. But I do remember one pursuing me specifically bc he found out I was a Virgo and he said "opposites attract".
What about you guys? Wh
- Stuff that Offends the signs. Based on what they are.
I gave this a shot. I typed this up. I don't care if you like it or not. I suggest not to try this at home or wherever you had the opportunity ;). Not responsible for injuries or death.
Aries- Introduce a Male to another Male. Rams are territori
- 'The Office'
Have any of you watched the tv show 'The Office'?
Which version do you prefer: the American or the British?
- Why did aquarius guy just suddenly stop contacting me?
Startinh see an aqua guy with venus in cap. We've known eachother for a month. Talking pretty much everyday for a month and he usually initiated. I haven't heard from him in a week. The weird thing is he still checks my snapchats and he told me he doesn't
- Cancer man feels he doesn't need to try anymore or lack of interest?
If you've been seeing a guy (Cancer Sun, Aquarius Moon, Leo Venus, Taurus Mars) who at the start would always send links to interesting news articles I'd like, etc and wish me goodnight in different ways each day (e.g. using "brilliant", "amazing", "aweso
- Understanding Sun, Rising, Moon
I could use some education on this topic since recently doing my natal chart.
I'm-----> Sun Virgo, Rising Gemini, Moon Sag
I've just been approached by...
Sun Scorpio, Sag rising, Aires moon
What does this mean in terms of compatibility?
- Dominant signs
What do dominant signs mean?
- Synastry with your best friend??
Post your Best friend or Closest Friend chart next to yours... & Explain what you feel makes you both great friends..
My Chart:
Sun- Pisc, Moon- Aries, Mer- Aqua, Ven- Aqua, Mars- Leo, Jup- Sag, Sat- Pis
My best friend's (Female and Male)
- Cancers and mimicry
Do Cancers mimicry too?