September 25, 2016
September 25, 2016 is a Sunday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 7.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On September 25
Topics Created On September 25, 2016
- Did Scorpios Sink the Titanic
My name is Beverly H.C. Yanga, F.B.I. Illuminati Division. My agent number is #6570309, we received a tip that an International Scorpio Conspiracy, colloquially known as "the Illuminati" or "The New World Order" (closely connected with the organization kn
- It's Not Gay If You Only Put the Tip In
I'm not gay tho. I'm just saying. I just wanted to remind y'all that I'm not gay. Cuz I'm not gay. Trust me. I'm as not-gay as it gets. Bruh I'm not even sort gay. Nope.
We've all got drunk and ended up in gay bdsm dungeon. We've all been there. It doe
- Don't want to hurt his feelings.
The sag I've been hanging out with is very clear about not believing in monogamy, I think he's been disappointed before.
We kiss and cuddle, he seems to feel weird the morning after and at school because I don't do PDA unless I'm in a relationship. He
- Grey Asexual confused about Saggi guy
The sag I've been hanging out with is very clear about not believing in monogamy, I think he's been disappointed before.
We kiss and cuddle, he seems to feel weird the morning after and at school because I don't do PDA unless I'm in a relationship. He
- He won't commit
So, I've been dating my Capricorn for almost a year. We get along great together and always have fun. I can't get him to commit. He says he doesn't want anyone else but says he doesn't want a commitment. I feel like we are committed but he just won't make
- Natal Chart Interpretation and why are air signs attracted to me or vice versa?
- What's the best way
To quit a job you just started? :/
I've been there 2 weeks, in training. It's a great company, but I can tell already tell the position is not a good fit for me. And I got another job offer for something more in my wheelhouse.
Should I tell Company
- Do Virgo guys fall for their female friends?
Posting again cause I only got one serious answer last time. Been friends with this Virgo guy for a few years. Lately we've gotten closer. He wants to talk every day and wants to know how I'm doing, my thoughts, etc. We talk on the phone but now says he w
- 12th House Cusp?????????
I just realised that my 12th house might be on the cusp?
12th House Pisces 29°21'38
I've looked up the 12th house in pisces and aries, and I feel like I am both of them. I only know the hour and minute of my birth, and I tried to get the best and c
- My Libra Girlfriend is losing interest, told me she went on a Blind Date
I started dating my Libra gf the last 2months.
Its been cozy for just 1 month. She told me she demands time, and gets jealous easily, I made sure I gave her my attention, and never did anything to make her jealous.
She has NEVER ever said "I love you" t
- Just a question, how do Sagittarius men feel about dating older woman?
So I have a friend who is into this Sag guy but she is almost twice her age. I have seen then together and if I had to guess he likes her too, but I also know Sag's are big flirts. So before I give some bad advice how do you Sag guys feel about older woma
How do you LEO people act when something goes wrong, like a way that you did not want it to?
More specified in relationship situations... when my girl does things that I dislike I kinda get angry but still sad,
sometimes i rage and take it out in th
- Help me speak with taurus woman
I got thoughts of leaving my girl, I love her so much unconditionally but sometimes it feels like she doesnt love me as much as I do, we can speculate that.. quite hard to proove tho, she says that she love me to the max but it feels like;
as we are a
- True oppression comes from North Korea and other communist states...
Good evening, DXP people.
As much whining as many of you do about stupid crap, you need to remember that your crying is pretty lame compared to the real suffering that goes on in places like North Korea.
- Kinda new and could use some help.
This is a little overwhelming. Thanks.
- Cap sun, aquarius venus love, insights?
I am a Libra sun, moon and mercury, Cap rising with scorpio venus and sag mars. He is Cap sun with aquarius venus and cancer mars.
Can't tell you about his moon because it's either scorpio or Sagittarius...
He would be perfect if it wasn't for his elusi
- Leo and Taurus?
Your experience? This is someone I was involved with 7 years ago, but neither of us can say anyone did the other wrong. He said he has been trying to find me for the longest and hopes we can rekindle what we had and tie the knot.
A few of the positive
- How is the Jupiter in Libra transit treating everyone?
Jupiter has been in Libra for a little over two weeks now. Some of my libra friends have started new relationships, others have new jobs, yet others have new projects. Friends in other signs have taken a breath of fresh air, yet others are about to capita
- Taurus Capricorn relationships.....
Can anyone tell me how this relationship worked out for them?
- Dear Lord
Why did you give us busyeyes88? All we asked of you is to bring back the Dodo bird, a few other extinct species, and some world peace, but instead you give us this creature. Maybe you had good intentions and just didn't understand or maybe you wanted to t
- How do you best handle Venus in Scorp?
In the early stages? I've read they're pretty intense emotionally, but I see no signs of this. He comes off as very calm, cool, and collected. He is either libra or scorp sun (cusp bday), venus scorp, mars scorp, cancer moon. He does come on a little stro
- People with bad eyesight
For those of you that wear glasses or contacts all the time' have you ever considered Lasik eye surgery or have u had it done or know somebody' what are your thoughts? and doesn't it suck to not be able to see good
- taurus woman and scorpio
I would to hear from any male scorp's about why this happens or taurus ladies who have felt the same as I did with my scorp.
I felt like everything he said about feelings or fights was later contradicted by another remark made in a different mood. So m
- Astrology and intuition
What positions in a person's chart indicate intuitive ability, or a preference for intuition over logic?
When casting my chart online and reading their interpretations, I'm often struck by the fact that they say my heart rules my head. This is not ent
- Is this normal?
Hello Virgos,
So is this very common?
- Sun, Merc & Venus in Gemini. Moon in Aqua & Mars in Pisces guy.
I've been casually seeing this Gemini who I had previously been friends with for years (more friends through acquaintances). I can tell he is really into me (heard through the grapevine he has been for years).
I've just got this bad feeling, like I know