September 24, 2016
September 24, 2016 is a Saturday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 6.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsTopics Created On September 24, 2016
- HELLO Any 30 Jan out there?
I just wanna say hi to all 30 Jan :D
HI fam!!!
Love you all 30 Jan.
- Stalkers
Any ladies have them or had them?
- Stalking
when was the last time you stalked a woman?
- Ultimatums vs
How do you draw the line between an ultimatum and communicating your needs ?
I don't personally like ultimatums because I wouldn't feel good knowing someone only did something because I forced the issue.
But at the same time, it's not fair to expe
- Virggggoooo men
How do Virgo show they are falling in love?? Do the try and hide their feelings and not very expressive. ?
- What should I do with this sag??
Met this guy, one of the few I've ever really been attracted to. We were seeing each other previously for about 6 months. But something went down and things got kinda ugly so I decided it was better if we went our separate ways and broke it off. We were s
- Cancer man & Taurus woman
I am here for an advise. I am a 26 year old Taurus lady who met a wonderful down to earth 28 year old Cancer sign man at work. We became good friends in the start and he was seeing someone at that time. But she broke his heart around January th
- True or false
the skinnier girls and the taller ones have the deeper…the thick ones, they can't take it.
- Aquarius Boy & Taurus Woman?
There is this boy at work. He is 4 years younger than me & is a junior colleague who has been with the company since the beginning of this year. I haven't particularly paid much attention to him but lately I am feeling stronger with time that he has set h
- True or false
Posted this in another board
the skinnier girls and the taller ones have the deeper…the thick ones, they can't take it.
- True Life: Modeling may be ruining my dating life
I feel like modeling is what a person does, but isn't necessarily that person as a whole, I have another job but modeling is the thing I put my heart and soul into. After being in nothing but long-term relationships over the years I have started dating ag
- what gives?!!!
My mother just told me my exact birth time. And online calculators say Leo rising now, but in astrology books I'm cap/aqua cusp rising.
What vibe do I give cap/aqua cusp or leo?
Thank you in advance.
- How - taurus woman
How do you taurus woman react if you are together with a guy and he is like kinda busy and cant meet you sometimes when you ask for it, if they say like they are too busy, how do you take this in taurus woman?
what do you LIKE when someone does to you?
- Professional cuddler awww
How do you feel about it? I think it is so beautiful! The world needs more hugs!
- What were your parents like?
My Mum's a Gemini, she's a dope ass mum that i'm lucky to have.
However, my dad's a scorpio, gosh he really knows how to piss me off. Literally against to almost EVERYTHING i do, and the things i want to do are not harmful in anyway (Like a strict diet,
- Question about Taurus Crush
Okay so here's my story
The Beginning:
I have a crush on this Taurus friend who almost knows everything about my love life and I know about hers (it was one time we were sitting alone after our friends left us and we spilled everything to each other
- Creepiest Personality.
The creepiest Vice-President I've ever seen. What is he whispering on these girls ears?
- Virgo Sun+Scorpio Rising with Scorpio woman
What does this say about possibilities in a long-term relationship? I have never dated a Scorpio, but a Scoprio/Sag cup and it was instant chemistry. I have Scorpio mother and I admired her my entire life for her tenacity and strength though.
- The Signs as Supernatural Beings
If you have better ones let me know because I ran out of ideas but here is what I think the signs would be as Supernatural entities.
Taurus- werewolf earthy uses all senses opposite of vampire. Or they could be Nifflers from Harry
- Question about Taurus Crush
*BTW: I already posted this in the Relationship section but I also wanted to see what Tauruses think about this.*
Okay so I'll tell you my story first,
The Beginning:
I have a crush on this Taurus friend who almost knows everything about my love
- Do you believe in black magic?
- Are ugly guys more faithful?
- Toes curl?
We've been dating for months and last time we hooked up right after he said " u made my toes curl baby" idk really what he means..doesn't that happen to men every time ?
- Are the life paths 4 and 7 intellectual rivals?
In your opinion?
- Do opposites really attract?
I hold a flower and say; he likes me, he likes me not, he likes me, he likes me not...
I'm feel confused and frustrated atm
I am a cancer sun and he is Capricorn
I am Leo Venus and he is Aquarius
- scorpio man behavior
there is this scorpio that i know he likes me.because of all the signs he gives off.(the staring,the heavy touching...).but he doesnt talk much to me except if there is a third person,so he talks to me through that person but he keep it casual,but when i
- Are Libra's clingy?
It's all wrong numbers fault.
Some girl with same name as mine, gave him wrong nr. So when poor lad called, and adressed me with my name I thought we know us. We needed some 30ish min of pretty cool chat to discover that we don't know us at all. After
- Is my grandma preparing me??
I'm posting this here because my grandparents are both Caps
I went to see them last weekend and took them for lunch for grandparents day so she sent me a little thank you note (she still sends me letters and cards snail mail cause "she doesn't text" sh
- Am I overthinking things?
Been friends with this Virgo guy for a few years. Lately we've gotten closer. He wants to talk every day and wants to know how I'm doing, my thoughts, etc. We talk on the phone but now says he wants to video chat cause he wants to see my pretty face. He t
- Should you take your life seriously?
Or should you go with the flow? I'm conflicted...
- Are Aquarian women really worth the effort?
I had been 'seeing' an aquarian lady for about 2 mths now. I quote-unquote cuz til this day i have no idea i she was ever my girlfriend to begin with.
Anyway, we had our intimate moments and I could tell she was holding back. In the sense that there wa
- I'm a Virgo and You're Wrong
You're wrong. Trust me. I'm a Virgo.
Stay out of this thread and don't post nothing. Because you're wrong. I'm a Virgo.
- Internet Thugs
So basically I've decided I need street credibility so I can impress hella womenz n stuff. I thought about selling crack and making a rap album about it and then getting rich then getting killed and going to hell and then asking El Chapo how to escape fro
- What's the
...punishment if police caught you having sex
In a car?
- happy birthday! Librasaurusrex
- Any advice
Does anyone have any insight into my chart? Im trying to figure things out. My life is a mess.
Full chart is uploaded into my profile.
Scorpio Sun
Aries Moon
Gem Rising
Cancer Mars
Libra Venus
- Ok Bulls help me help her...
Taurus friend venting again.. But this time it's different.
And I don't want her to take my advice the wrong way.
She has a Virgo boyfriend, been together for about 8 months.. Up and down from telling everyone they know they want to get married, to
- bad girl
This Cap keeps calling me bad girl...we have Been sexually he being playful?
- boy or girl?
I saw some women say they want a boy for a baby, what about a girl??
if you were to want to have a baby in the future, ladies, what gender do you want?
Are you really wanting a certain gender or do you leave it up to fate? Whatever will be will be?