September 4, 2016
September 4, 2016 is a Sunday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 22.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On September 4
Topics Created On September 4, 2016
- Native American Astrology
Real or not?
- Old School DXP Members that you miss....
Good evening, DXP.
Who are some of the old school DXP members that you miss?
I personally miss quite a few, and they are listed in no particular order.
- Images and GIFs that describe your dating life.
Because I came across some good ones while I was searching for "fuckboy" pics to post in the whiner troll's thread.
And then
And then
- Sag suddenly went from hot to cold. Is he a womanizer?
This sag guy has been asking me out everyday in the past 2 weeks, I couldn't do that but we managed to see each other 6 times in total.
He invited me to join him and his friends and said I could join them when I want just not from right at the start. O
- Empaths
Do you think scorpios are empaths?
- About dominant signs... Once again (sorry)
How many dominant signs should we consider? Just one (the most dominant one)? Two (the two most dominant signs)? Or even more: 3, 4...
- Air and water dominant, or just air dominant?
If someone has 34.6% air and 27.2% of water in their chart (and 20% of earth and 18,2% of fire), according to, can we consider that this is air and water dominant? Or are those 7% such a big difference?
- Does the scorpio ever find true love?
Anyone else feel like it may not exist?
- Ex crashed my car
My ex crashed my car. Technically it's his car but after our divorce we kept everything in my name so it's registered and insured to me.
He called me at 3am to tell me that he had a bad accident and he left the car and ran. He wanted me to report the ca
- How to quit smoking??
I've been smoking since I was 16 and I've never smoked much and always thought I wasn't addicted because I could go days without it. Quit smoking for a year but started again, I hate it but I can't control myself. It's the only thing that helps me calm do
- Aries what is rude and what blunt to you?
I recently discussed the difference between bluntness and rudeness with my aries gf and her aries friends. There are some things I find just offensive and they dont. Telling the truth without sugarcoating is one thing, but there has to be drawn
- Quotes
Share quotes that you think are best attributed to either entire types or just functions.
"In the introduction to my book..., I wrote, 'The boundary is the best place for acquiring knowledge.' When I was asked to give an account of the way my id
- Horns locked: Battle between Taurus & Aries
I've come to find myself locked in a battle of wills with an Aries over the silliest thing.
My brothers girlfriend (Aries) gave birth to my niece 2 months ago. I haven't been able to see her for the past month.
She refuses to reply to my texts or answe
- Testing
How many of y'all "test" your SO in a relationship? Like testing their level of commitment. Do you attempt to break up with them and see what their reaction is? Are you expecting them to beg you not to do this?
- Took my grandma out for some wang and seimen
- So, what is it about.....
- Don't tell me what to do
Because I'm never going to listen. I'm perfectly capable of doing what's best for me & I don't need you telling me what to do in any circumstances.
I DO WHAT I WANT. F what you say.
Am I the only one that feels this way or are all cancers like this
- Who is a Taurus MAN in a relationship?
I'm Taurus myself. It has been a long time since I dated a taurus man.
Recently I met a guy, born on April 23. I thout he might be Aries...but NOOO! He's Taurus....
He seems to be interested, but I'm quite prejudiced against Taurus guys.
Tell me plea
- judgemental assholes
One day u guys are going to get a visitor whos mind isn't very stable I guarantee it, and if u act the way u acted with me. Ur going to have a suicide on ur hands and on ur concious I'm sure u guys get alot of happiness out of fucking with people and judg
- Tips on Good Posture
I really thought I had good posture all along. I realized just this afternoon that I'm doing it wrong. @_@
- Libra with a Scorpio Venus, Mars, and pluto.
I'm a 7th house Libra, with a Scorpio Venus in the 7th house, & A Scorpio pluto & Mars (Which are conjunct) in the 8th house. Does anyone else have similar placements? How are you in love? Or how was your experience with anyone similar placements? Also, b
- Any Pisces into karate?
I found this place way back in August and it's just a few blocks down from where I'm at. I'm a large girl so I'm going to lose weight first before I join in.
- What does it mean when I don't have any planets on some houses?
I'm still quite new to astrology but I'm learning so bear with me. Could anyone tell me what does it mean if I don't have any planets on a few houses? Like I don't have any planets on my 3rd, 7th, 8th, 9th and 11th houses.
- Cutting soul ties
Hey my fellow saggies..
How long did it take you to completely heal from someone you loved?
And do you guys have any suggestions on completely healing? It's been six months already and I'm annoyed by the fact my Sag ex can still pull certain emotion
- Scorpio men only please...Is he playing me?
I've been talking to a Scorpio male I met online for about 6 weeks now. I'm a celibate Taurus female. I gotta be in a relationship to have sex. So he calls/texts me multiple times daily. On my days off, he calls me when I wake up and keeps me on the phone
- Aqua(guy) highly interested in Libra(girl)
Hello all, I surely hope I'm in the right forum posting this information and if so, what I have to present I'm open to all feedback, whatever you feel you want to share please do, be it blunt or the latter. To begin, I'm an Aquarius male, obviously lik
- Pisces and Gemini: Can It Work?
I know the one is water, the is other air, but it seems to me that they share many common characteristics (mentally oriented, imaginative, creative, flexible etc.). I've never been in a relationship with a Pisces before, so I'd like to know from all of yo
- Cappy type action
Speaking through song lyrics? Im receiving interesting song snaps from a Cappy ex who never was very verbally expressive.
- Scorpio sex
Do Scorpio's ever intentionally make sex bad on purpose? If so why and how to know? And if the sex were bad and you were told in a gentle caring way, how would you act/be toward that person? Avoid, ignore?
- Opposite Sun and Moon Signs (Power of Opposite Signs)
I'm Aquarius sun and Leo moon which is the exact opposite to one another... Those with the opposite signs, what is your personality like? I find mine is REALLY split, what about yours? Or your thoughts on this?
- Still obsessed
...with Saturn. Anyone suffers from being Saturnian natally? Saturn aspects to your personal planet(s)?
- What is Mercury in retrogade and
why is it being blamed every 2 minutes for the cancer we're witnessing?
Yes yes, I know, I can google it. But you know what, I want the lovely members of dxpnet to explain it to me. Like if I'm 5.
- Its our Anniversary!! We Made It ?
Some of you may remember my first post in the forum where I received some much needed advice on my Bull needing some space to resolve some issues with his previous relationship. I will falling apart and you guys talked some sense into me. Some were negati