September 28, 2016
September 28, 2016 is a Wednesday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 1.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On September 28
Topics Created On September 28, 2016
- Why do aquarius men vanish out of nowhere?
Why do aquarius men vanish when things are going well, don't they know it's kinda rude? :/ Do they really need that much alone time????
- Election 2016
DXP People,
The United States Presidential Election is November 8, 2016.
Will you be voting for Donald Trump or Jar Jar Binks?
- Why would he call after 7 months!!
I dated an Aquarius guy a year ago. He chased me for four years, we dated for about a month, he got what he wanted, then ignored me for two months. We talked for about another month and a half, then I cut him out completely and stop talking to him in Febr
- DISC test
Allegedly much more accurate than MBTI. A friend just did his through his work training, also this is not a free test.
Has anybody done it before?
- question applicable for gems and people who's done, dated, tolerated, lives with or killed a gem
Gemini men, what signs do you think are perfect for you? (keepers) do you love drama more than the relationship?
and for non gems:
how are them guys in bed?
why do you hate em?
why do you love em?
what's their button?
what's their weakness?
- Wife of The Year!!!!
She shoots.....
SHE SCORES!!!!!!!!!
What a STAR!!!!!!!!
Wife of The Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Update on my Cap's job situation
So about a week after he got unjustly fired, the superior that was at the head of the decision resigned. She's awful, and although I don't know her, what she did to my Cap at work was terrible.
He's now contemplating returning if they meet his new ter
- Help me understand this gemini man!
I posted about him before, he's the ex I bumped into after 10 years.. He took my number and ended up texting me to go out two weekends ago.
We both said we were tired and would only have 1 beer, but 1 beer turned into 3.. 3 beers turned into more drinks
- Horoscope need for life
I always read my horoscope before start my day.
I found an mobile application and always forecast what will happen that day.
You can also download and check
- Do you Complement each other? Are you Equal? Or Neutral?
Tell me both of yours Sun, AC (rising or ascendant) and MC (mideheaven)
- What does every sun sign secretly think about each other?
To organize the thread I will post an example
Mine: Aries
Aries - Annoying but fun to be around
Taurus - Lazy @ss materialistics mofos
Gemini - If man gay, woman biatch
Cancer - Cute
Leo - Amazing friends
Virgo - Villains and fake
Libra - Fak
- Cap Mars
Do any of you have this?? So my son who is 3 years old had the following conversation with me this morning I have no idea where this came from lol
"Mommy when I get big I'm going to be in charge at work and when I have a little kid, they get to come t
- Venus in Scorpio described in one song
If I could describe how it feels to love with this position, I think this song would be perfect; it captures all the intensity and sensuality we experience so vividly.
other suggestions are welcome as well...
- Gemini woman - Scorpio man and Pisces man
In a marriage with a Scorpio man and couldn't be any closer to misery as I am now. Mr perfect, loving, affectionate & dreamy when we were dating is now mr controlling, non affectionate, always pissed off, hard to talk to, verbally and emotionally abusive
- Romantic Pressure
I feel like the universe is kicking my ass! Lol finally making head way with my Cap crush with him getting closer to me adding me on Facebook and just visibly more and more relaxed around me and he even said we could reschedule our shooting guns outing af
- Taurus crazy about leos?
Are there any Taurus that are crazy about Leos?
If so why?
- Another Shooting: El Cajon, Calif. Black Man Dead
- Please help, any insight is valued.:)
I broke up with the love of my life 6 years ago due to addiction issues. Recently, he's gotten a new flame. Yes, I know this happens. But I want to know.... Was I ever his soul mate or is she his true love? Please look at the info I have and give an opini
- Black Moon - this week! ( For some of us, sorry other half of the world)
I love a new moon and this one seems especially fun!!
Black Moon occurs when two new moon’s fall in the same month. On September 30th, the New Moon will peak in Libra however, for those living in Australia and the UK, the New Moon will peak on October
- how to tell if a capricorn man still loves you after a divorce
the signs
the actions
the words
- Does any one have information about march 3 pisces?
Like how they are , what drives them and so on
My reason for asking because there is a march 3 fish that i'm interested in but at the same time i'm not so sure about her
- Sibling Torture
How did you torture your siblings when you were young?
- How do I make a taurus man want me more?
how do I make a taurus man want/miss me more? Distance?
- Taurus man question
I'm a Virgo and I know this handsome looking Taurus man. I really haven't talked to him much but he's really funny and athletic. Well he stares at me A LOT even when I catch him looking he doesn't look away. But he doesn't talk to me why is that? How can
- Chip Technology
Those of you who have a credit/debit card with the chip on it, what do you guys think of it?
- The Love Asteroids
The ‘Big Four’ love asteroids - AMOR, EROS, PSYCHE & JUNO
...????? 4 ????????? ???? ???? ??????????? ?? ??? ????????? ?? ????, ???? ?? ?????? ?? ??? ???????? , ???? ????????? ??????????/?????????? -
- Why are libra moons so gotdam soft smh
Like I was being mean to bae cuz he deserves it & now I feel bad ??
- Mini dresses
would you wear mini dresses?
is it appropriate where you live or would you get stared at?
tonight we were out to a special event, and young ladies, wearing nice mini -dresses.
I thought yay! it's going back into style.
- I am A Cancer Man
You can come throw eggs at me and my people here.
- Aqua Risers
Rise up. Or not. ;)