October 5, 2017
October 5, 2017 is a Thursday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 7.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On October 5
Topics Created On October 5, 2017
- Taurus MIA
I'll try to keep this short. My ex taurus and I have been talking again. I broke up with him 2 years ago and we've recently reconnected. We hung out again the other day and ended up sleeping together. During the sex he kept telling me we were really compa
- Happy birthday Tiziani
I know it's the 5th and that is tomorrow for us but it's already the 5th for you! So happy birthday Old man! May you have many years of Olive and enchilada eating ahead of you!!
- The Hunter's Moon rises this year on Friday, October 26th.
a time of easy hunting,femininity and creativity ..your wishes come clear and easy
Your work is a joy to you.
You feel imbalance and in harmony. Your empowerment is not against but upward. Your struggles are released and release others. All breathe
- scorpio in relationship . Disappointing ?
I always love that I had so much scorpio in my chart. It gave me fire and passion. I seek revenge when Im angry. I don't settle for anything than something that makes me feels.
But Ive met so many scorpio men and they all are men who doesn't know what
- Solar Return
I wasn't reading about solar returns, and just found out that many mars is in the 6th house which apparently is really bad.
Any insight or experiences with this placement?
- M.O.T.H.E.R
Mother is basically a combination of all the DXP love and relationship threads ever posted and jam packed In cinematic projection.
It's like a Steve Harvey guide on how to keep a man, or whatever, except this isn't the kind of guy you want to really
- It's
Really annoying when I go to reply to a thread & it's deleted.. it happens way too much 😳
- The Judge Died 3 Times
The judge died thrice.
- Bring me to Sedona, Arizona!!!!
I saw this show on TV featuring a spa and resort at Sedona, Arizona. Oh my goodness, I wanna go there... looks so relaxing and the foods seem very succulent!
- How to impress an Aries Lady
Hi Guys
I have been recently talking to an Aries lady and I find her energy and vibe positive. She seems to be a happy go lucky person which is what I like. I am a Leo, and I hear that Leo males and Aries Females tend to get on very well.
So I am h
- Song-writing
In 2008, I was able to write three songs in a matter of six days. I know I am capable of writing songs but I want to further improve on my song-writing ability.
Are there other guys out there who are into song-writing? Let's help one another. :)
- This leo guy is so confusing
Ive been knowing this guy for almost 7 months already. He was going out of his way by approaching and asking for my number. He is not a good texter and very plain guy but i really do like him. It doesnt matter for me as long as he treats me nicely.
- Continuing issues after the black out.
I'm sensitive to the fact that the owners/admins are working to get the site back to 💯
However I am not receiving notifications for front page posts at all. Only receiving notifications for likes and those are sporadic at best. Zero notifications for p
- I prayed and He's backkkk
- P-Angel
I know she was terminally ill and announced it a few months back.
Has anybody had any contact with her outside dxp and knows whether she has passed? I noticed that her last reply to anyone was over 2 months ago.
- Jupiter entering scorpio
As this huge astrological event is about to happen the 10th of october (jupiter will stay in scorpio until next year in november) I thought we could have this thread and dicuss the crazy changes that may come our way during this fortunate and expanding ti
- New way of getting a Scorpio! Lol
You aren't going to believe that!!!
Scorpio called me and I went batshit crazy on his ass about EVERYTHING!
He was shocked and tried to make stupid excuses and I said NO' THERE ISNT A THING 'I can't call because I am busy! It's s bullshit!
You wo
- Inspired by @DMV
Well. I just real one post where it says 'idnlove is there - no need to fight - it's clear as a ue skies and no bull'.
Now we have this story of her praying and he is back after all these years.
Mystery for me is - people basically in love but apart
- Love language for cancer man
Hey guys,
I am just curious what's the love language of a cancer man. They are so moody. One moment they are all warm and sweet and the next moment they are so distant and cold. So I supposed words shouldnt be their love language right?
And if they
- hello :)
What do you dxp folk say about this guy?
He has gem sun.
Taurus moon.
Taurus Mars
Cancer mercury.Â
Cancer venus
- what famous person reminds you of your man/woman?
this may have been done before, but let's get our heads together and our hearts, and dream...
what type of man, or who/what energies does your current beau or your ex's (if you're single) remind you of?
i just found out my mother finds Pierce Bros
- Should I try?
Is it typical for taurus man (26 years old) to be kind and nice for a girl (20 years old) he doesn't know well (we are just colleagues from work and never had any oportunity for real talk) and say something like "hi beautiful" when he reach out to her? H
- gemini man driving me crazy
i posted before about the gemini man in my life.and looking back there is a huge difference between the past and now.i know him for a long period of time and since june we started talking less and the last few months he got more and more stubborn and impa
- People still can't get into DXP...
...and their accounts.
Posted for a friend.
Fix this shit Duncan!
Taurus in Texas