October 12, 2017
October 12, 2017 is a Thursday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 5.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On October 12
Topics Created On October 12, 2017
- Cancer man interactions with a Capricorn lady and a Virgo lady.
Cancer man of 37 here. I have two women in my life that are causing me some emotional issues, and I wanted opinions on the matter.
The first lady is a 24 year old Capricorn that smiled at me, and seemed to enjoy my attention at first. Then as I got to
- Small tests???
Taurus...what kinds of tests do you administer to a potential significant other? Please don't hold back!!!!
- Cancer Guy Is Confusing Me LOL
So Long Story Short I have This Cancer Male friend. We’ve Gotten Closer Ever Since I Broke Up With My Ex In April. Always Questioning Me about Him Though. He’s Friends With My Ex Because Of Me. Last Night He Went To Make A Move On Me And I Allowed It THin
- Mind Game Advice
So basically me and this Scorpio dude have been in a long distance open relationship for two years now.
The first 8 months we were living in the same city and he was VERY attached to me, wanted kids, wanted monogamy, but I was 24 at the time (aka too f
- Leo man and a Virgo woman
What do you guys think of these two signs together ?
- Explain the chart please
Hi All,
Just wondering if anyone can briefly explain my chart
Sun, moon, mercury, venus in aries
Mars in pisces, jupiter in taurus
Saturn in leo, uranus in scorpio
Neptune in sagittarius
Pluto libra
True node libra
Ascendant gemini
- Persona Charts
So, I'm just posting this for everyone who commented or was interested in my persona chart thread.
More detailed.
Giving the link as well.
- Help understanding cancer woman
I matched with this girl on tinder I'm a 25/yo Cap guy and shes a 24 y/o cancer.... we talked and sent each others selfies while I was away at work for 3 days. We organised a date on Sunday night but I had to stay one more night and we rescheduled for Mon
- EXCELLENT TAROT CARD READER - KARLEEN [IMG]http://i68.tinypic.com/33f9sn6.jpg[/IMG]
12 October 2017 (check out the youtube video Karleen made yesterday "for" today 12 Oct 17 from Aries thru Pisces). Check out her website for how much she charges for some many minutes.
DXP members, most of you know my "
- Oh boy..
So I think I messed this up. I'm such an overthinker, It pisses me sometimes.
Two days ago was my birthday, my Aries forgot about it and just didn't make much effort at all. He said sorry few times and I'm willing to get over it.
But it made my bloo
- 1918.
You're complaining about your life now? Well, take a look at the year 1918.
- Mars in Taurus Men
How do you let someone know you're interested? Do you take forever to pursue?
- .....
I had posts that i was talking about a Taurus guy i have been seeing. No contact lately i get the busy excuses then for 2 days i see him riding by my house but he says he busy? Hmm... Why the hell would some one waste some energy like that? He said he w
- Tried to ask him out??
I (Cancer woman) met a new Taurus man and I gave him my phone number, telling him to get a hold of me if he ever wanted to get together. He texted me that same day when I didn't expect to hear from him for a bit.
We've texted and Snapchatted back and f
- His texting style
Hello everyone,
I met a 25year old cancer guy (I am 26) and we are so affectionate with each other, he said he has never been so intimate with someone as with me, but we have not had sex yet. We were going on dates every other day for 2 weeks, initiated
- Intense Synastry
You ever look at a synastry chart with someone you started dating, and just think holy shit whys this so intense?? 😳
- Chris Meloni
Who here would fuck Chris Meloni? Did you know he has the best ass on prime time television!!?
- How to get a Virgo Man to forgive you ?
we got into an argument, he says he's still upset with me and questions whether to continue the relationship ?
- What might it mean when a sag man tags an ex in a "romantic" meme, on Facebook?
Hi all,
Came across this on Facebook the other day.. wish I hadn't tbh..
So the guy I'm with (and have been for 8 months) did mention to me a while ago about a girl he met in a nightclub over a year ago, who he briefly dated (just kissed, no further)