October 23, 2017
October 23, 2017 is a Monday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 7.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On October 23
Topics Created On October 23, 2017
- Increasing number of women are having orgasms during childbirth
A survey by the Positive Birth Movement and Channel Mum has found that six per cent of women say they have had an orgasm during birth. Although, seldom discussed, academics and midwives have also said that they have observed this happening to some women.
- Share your homecooking, inspire & be inspired
Preferably with a snapshot. Doesn't have to be complicated or impressive. From anything that you throw together for breakfast to snacks or pre-/post workout meals, to lunch boxes and big-ass dinners.
Always looking to break old habits and adapt new on
- Honest opinion from a libra man.
I am a taurus woman who dated a libra man for 3 months. We decided to become exclusive; he introduced me to his family and was very caring an loving. A week ago he became distant; I gave him his space and did not pressure him to come see me.
The day he
- Not Thinking.
So my ex pisces gf unblocked me from her phone to see how I am doing, and I told her to shove that goddamn phone on her stupid a$$. Being the taurus that i am, which is the most easiest & baddest mofos in the known galaxy even stephen hawkin doesn't try t
- Say it 9 times
O Great Passion
O Deep Wounds
O Blood Shed in Abundance
O Meekness
O God of Meekness
O Cruel Death
Have Mercy on Me and Grant my Request, if it be for my Salvation.
(say request)
- Stress....which placement deal better with them ?
.... curios !!! I feel like everytime I get stressed my physical health suffer rather than emotional!! I would say air signs dominate r good with stress?
- I think she's pretty good !!!! Thoughts?
- Torn
I have a Gemini Ex who I went out with for 6 months last year, He broke up with me back in December last year. We still talk every day and we've been going through the toxic loop. I wanted to make things work. I laid everything out on the table and he alw
- Virgo man said he likes me but then disappeared
I know there are threads that talked about virgo's disappearance but i want to ask about my specific situation since i didn't find any that fit.
So he's a virgo sun, moon scorpio, mars taurus, venus leo. i'm a scorpio woman, pisces moon, aries mars, ve
- Venus in Virgo Male - Cold and logical about love?
What about this placement?
Venus in Virgo - 9th house
Sun in Scorpio - 10th house
Moon in Leo - 8th house
- Is he worth it, or should I let go?
Hello. I met a guy a few months ago - at office - and I have never ever felt like this before( like an electric bum) - my Uranus trine his Venus, my M.C. conj his south node opposite his lust, his South node conj my Pshyche and my south node conj his Karm
- Any Timberland boot wearers in the house?
- Torn
I have a Gemini Ex who I went out with for 6 months last year, He broke up with me back in December last year. We still talk every day and we've been going through the toxic loop. I wanted to make things work. I laid everything out on the table and he alw
The first night I met him he was all affectionate, kissing, hugging, tickling, etc. This leads me to believe he does this with all women, so as an Aries, I am sort of skeptical. He texted me the next day asking to go to breakfast, etc. I don't know exac
- Movie Recommendations 2017
- Pissed Taurus man off
This whole thing has been weird from the start but an amazing connection. We are friends but it's kinda of underlining we have a thing. I got jealous and popped off about some girl whose picture he liked. We get into it and then he proceeds to like everyo
- Pisces having Aquarius traits??
Lately someone told me I have only a few traits of Pisces, that will be most likely be extreme intuitive and being sympathetic, in fact that other person was surprised to know that i'm pisces. He thought I was Aquarius. I've looked on a lot of sites this
- What houses rules what the person do when nobody is watching?
8th or 12th?
- Leo 3rd house - Being known because of your mind?
Jupiter in the 3rd
Gemini Ascendant
Mercury 11th Aries
I've heard an astrologer say that where Leo falls in your natal chart is where you shine (sun) and become well-known (fame). do you agree?
- If the 6th house is the house of work and routine, does the 12th represents the holiday/freetime?
Maybe this explain why we enjoy to do something different from our job when we have a free time.
Example: 6th Scorpio - Focusing on a daily life/work that is intense, meaningful, deep.
12th house Taurus - Enjoying luxury, eating good food, go to high
- Smartphone input
I'm not one to normally hit up DXP for stuff like this, but I'm just curious of the feedback here in regard to some phones. I've read a shit ton of comments section and it's been such a wash I'm not sure what I want to do.
I used to hail Samsung becaus
- Conventional relationship
I met this Gemini who wants to bond before jumping into the sheets. Just wondering if it’s worth it. I could be interested in a long-term relationship if I know it’ll be worthwhile. Here’s our synastry chart: [IMG]http://i66.tinypic.com/5a19bc.jpg[/IMG]
- Confused about dating a gemini?
My gemini man is very confusing? He has been trying to go out with me for quite some time and after much persuasion I agreed. When we are together everything is good. He seems a little closed off but I assume that he will open up more with time. He has to
- An old Aries female flame
I don’t want to read too much in to this but recently in the past year my ex has reached out to me (Aries female), as friends she has said. Not that it matters I’m 34 and a guy lol she’s 27,I’m a Gem.
There is some history between us. We dated back in
- Is he interested or not?
I started dating one of my friends and now I am very confused about how he is acting?
He has been trying to go out with me for quite some time and after much persuasion I agreed. When we are together everything is good. He seems a little closed off but
- crazy taurus bff ..uh
Excuse me yall but I obviously need some help with understanding my best friend. Well she used to be my best friend, now all she does is basically go out with me, chat, call, and then, out of the nothing she disappears and blocks me and unfriends me, and
- Dreamy Sag, Out-of-this-World Aqua.
Every day with my Aqua friend is like a sky full of stars.
This visit, quite literally, we watched the Orionid meteor shower and drank wine.
...of course, whilst chatting away and competing about who could find the most shooting stars.
It is
- Pisces Woman & Scorpio Man Affair
I really would like some honest advice. First off, I'm a married Pisces-Aries cusp woman, 29. Although I feel that I relate more to my pisces side. My Scorpio affair partner is 35 married to a Capricorn. We both have 2 kids, failing marriages. My husband