October 6, 2017
October 6, 2017 is a Friday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 8.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On October 6
Topics Created On October 6, 2017
- Get Out (2017)
Dis slowly creeping to the top as one of my fave indie horror experiences since It Follows (2014). It's witty, it's funny and despite being a comical horror movie it's eerier
- Have you ever ordered an astrology report?
I've ordered a couple. And while some where miss, a few I've ordered are still getting me results. I have a general idea of what is to happen in my life over the next 2.5 years. These reports are really cheap, but some are expensive. Most of the ones I or
- Curious!!!!
I wonder why some Libra men are single. Were yall hurt by someone yall truely loved that turned yall so cold hearted Im just wondering cause yall stay in a relationship but it never last 🤔
- In need of a Taurus MANUAL please
Hey guys, so I will try to make it short, I met this taurus man 6 months ago, we see each other maybe around once a week but casual bc we go to the same places and have mutual friends, I got some signals that he liked me, so I showed him I did too, noting
- How do I explain my depression to my partner?
He knows I'm bipolar and what it entails but I don't think he fully understands. I've been feeling blue lately so my libido is low and I feel the need to isolate myself. We keep getting in arguments because he thinks I'm just being cold and distant. I hav
- Confused
So my Pisces gf who dumped me (Taurus , the best zodiac sign in the galaxy I'm kidding duh, not really lol) , well she said after dumping me that she would never want to be with me again ever..but then 4 days later we started sleeping with each other agai
- I'm back ... Need more help
Heyy so for all of you who have been following my stories, Thank you!
Your feedback has helped me genuinely.
Long Story short, My Aries man is now living in NY. He messages me every day and it's mostly him telling me how he's settling in and what he's
- What was wrong with the site ?
Hi guys & girls
what was wrong with the website for almost 2 weeks ?
- Aries Mom...
Tell me about her? I'm staying with my Aries S/O's parents and his mom seems lovely although a little shy in some kind of way...its a little strained because I also am not coming across all balshy. His uncle showed up though and he is a big character, ask
- Anyone in Spain??
Currently in Spain and I’m going to be in Europe for 3 months traveling. Anyone want to meet up?
- Taurus, would you mind if a girl texted you first?
Even if it is a girl you barely know and you are not sure if she likes you?
- I'm so fed up
So long story short: Joined Toastmasters (public speaking group), dissed a girl a little too much and was being hard on her speech, got a warning from a teacher, today I'm kicked out of Toastmasters officially from THE SAME TEACHER because apparently writ
- Should I maintain a distance with him?
Another Gem. Met him on a dating site recently and we've been talking for less than two weeks now. We're from different states and haven't met yet. We won't be meeting anytime too soon either.
Out of all those on the site who were flirting with me, he
- Aquarius fashion
Ok it's no secret that Aquarians are the pioneers of all fashion trends purely because the shit we wear at the time is often misunderstood by our current audience. I'm often misunderstood by my friends when I decide to wear a look out on the town and alth
- IM IN LOOOOVVVEEEE with a libra man :(
he’s libra sun cancer moon cancer rising virgo mars libra venus/mercury and i’m aries sun libra moon libra rising taurus mars aries venus/mercury
i’m his first love hehe but i have trust issues from all the libras i’ve dated bc they’re the same in the
- did anyone else cry during the aries full moon?
that shit destroyed me i was going through the biggest emotional rollercoaster crying the whole day and day after
- Clean slate?
It's interesting to see how much more positively subdued DPX has become since the extended downtime took place. People in general seem more relaxed, and I like that. Remember how Scorpio84 said he hates me? Well a week ago me and him had a nice civil chat
- Do you feel nauseous at the time of your period?
And actually vomit?
For me it's every month...i will be sick ....it's not just to do with cramps...i don't know if it's hormonal or if i can do anything
anyone else?
- Cap Women & Men
Have you ever done something out of the ordinary for someone you really loved? Anything weird? I just read how this woman by the name of keyshia kaior bathed her boyfriend Gucci mane???? I notice that some people gravitate to capricorns, because they attr
- If You Think 'Low-T' Killed Your Sex Drive, Your Television Might Be To Blame
If You Think 'Low-T' Killed Your Sex Drive, Your Television Might Be To Blame...http://oke.io/EKUy
- 6 things that seem really romantic in your relationship, but are actually dangerous
6 things that seem really romantic in your relationship, but are actually dangerous...http://oke.io/FovVuURi
So we had a DXP black out and I never had the chance to update you guys on the Libra. Havn't talked to her in 10 days and counting. She popped up out of the blue a week before her birthday to text me "are you awake? can we be friends yet?" at 11pm at nigh
- Two words
Luca fersko.
Aries sun/Gemini moon
A man 🤤🤤
- A question I always wanted to as a Pisces.
So Iv asked some Pisces I know in person but always get a wishy washy answer, however...
Have you guys ever given someone another chance (at dating) If the first go around didn't go as planned but you have chemistry? I mean. If you dated them very br
- Sun/Mars, Moon/Venus
Sun in Virgo/Mars in Aries
With this combo in your birth chart you may find yourself torn between opposing influences. While the more precipitous Aries prompts you to rush headlong into an intimate relationship, cautious Virgo reminds you t
- Venus opp Pluto moon opp pluto
Having these both in synastry- Venus opp Pluto and moon opp Pluto. I was obsessed with the guy but he didn't fully want to vomit to me. Will he think of me the same like I do that we are not together?
- The Taurus Cravings
Am I the only one agonizing from this or are we plenty? I mean, you caught a glimpse of your favorite dark chocolate being restocked at the mall and you have a strict diet plan going on. The thought of how well you enjoyed yourself of that chocolate keeps
- Aquarius strandard n controlling behavioir
not sure if this apply to both men and women but do u sometimes have these standard in ur mind of what ur loved ones shud b behaving, doing, eating? I'm talking about family, close friends and intimate relationships? Lol. Like no jokes do u want them to d
- Pervertedness
When do you all let your pervert show? My Leo has been perverted since like week 2 in our relationship/friendship/Idunnowhatsgoingon and he let me know that that's just how he is. I have to really be into someone OR comfortable... Maybe he thought I was o
- Gemini and Aries
Hi everyone! This is Geminigirl052388 but unfortunately, I cannot find my log in details for my original account so I am using this secondary one. Anyway, I recently met an Italian Aries guy. TBH, I have never been attracted to Aries men as lovers but I d
- Geminigirl052388
I cannot find my log in details so using this secondary account.
Anyway, I have an update about my mofo aqua FWB. Bloody person returned after few weeks of disappearing after our argument. Guess what, I didnt take him back. Mofo sent me a message to a
- Gemini with Leo moon
Please raise your hand! Where my lovies at?