October 9, 2017
October 9, 2017 is a Monday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 2.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On October 9
Topics Created On October 9, 2017
- Where are Scorpio people ?
Didn't see them around for a while ?
- introverts,
does this ring true for you? :)
1. An introverted person can function better when working alone, than when working in a team. It’s not abou
- Will a Libra Man come back to me?
I’m pisces. My libra man and I fell hard and fast for each other. He wanted a very serious relationship, but I couldn’t just be happy with him. He became stressed out with trying to make me happy, and ultimately we broke up when I told him I wanted to sle
- How likely is it for Libra man to come back
I’m pisces. My libra man and I fell hard and fast for each other. He wanted a very serious relationship, but I couldn’t just be happy with him. He became stressed out with trying to make me happy, and ultimately we broke up when I told him I wanted to sle
- Got dumped twice lol wow
Yeah so I'm Taurus and my Pisces gf dumped me before and then we got back again ..then she dumped me again lol only this time I am just out of energy to even remotely put this relationship back or even pursue it so I just told her you deserve someone bett
I did an ASCENDANT persona chart!
My ascendant in the chart was PISCES.
I'm a Scorpio rising with an undercover Pisces rising 😮😮😮😮
Would you come to its rescue???
- asian guy with brown hair
would you consider him pure asian?
- A Damnata Annoyance Thread
What do you think will annoy Damnata? The chick is Virgo Sun - Virgo Mercury so it's kinda easy to annoy her.
- Will my Libra man ex come back
I’m pisces. My libra man and I fell hard and fast for each other. He wanted a very serious relationship, but I couldn’t just be happy with him. He became stressed out with trying to make me happy, and ultimately we broke up when I told him I wanted to sle
- Should I just give up on this Scorpio luna leo man?
My boyfriend is a Scorpio with Leo moon. Im a Taurus with a Scorpio moon. His Mars and venus are sagittarius. my Mars is in Leo and Venus in Aries. (His rising is Cancer and my rising is Scorpio)
We are always fighting. But we can't live without each oth
- Dana York Tom Petty
did you all hear that Tom Petty passed away?
Dana York is a Cancer sun, his wife,
she has Cancer sun, Taurus moon, (debatable cause no rising) Leo mars.
he did songs like that and this
- what if a goddess is your maid?
- Four Types of Taurus Men that Wreak Havoc on your Emotions
I though this was interesting.
Mr. Too Cool for Emotions
The classic Taurus personality is all about control. There’s an inner core of
- Four Types of Taurus Men that Wreak Havoc on your Emotions
I though this was interesting.
Mr. Too Cool for Emotions
The classic Taurus personality is all about control. There’s an inner core of s
- Already feeling jupiter in scorpio. Any other cancers feel some sort of mojo??
Yesterday a girl ran up to my car while I was driving just to say "DAMN YOU SEXY AS FUCK".
Crazy weekend shenanigans. Lots of looks yesterday. And woke up feeling my self heavy lol. Im a pretty confident person in general but damn. It feels like so much
- Scorpio sun Aquarius moon man
So I have a friend who has this combination and he is very clingy to me and he relies his emotion very much on me and I suddenly somehow feel suffocated and that I need my space... but I thought Aquarius moon is unemotional and detached? It doesnt seem to
- Aries husband parties every weekend
So, my husband and I have been married for a few months, we have lived together and been in a committed relationship for about 5 years now.
Here is the problem, he loves to party. LOVES to party and I honestly do not mind that he goes out, but its eve
- What is too much partying for a married man
So, my husband and I have been married for a few months, we have lived together and been in a committed relationship for about 5 years now.
Here is the problem, he loves to party. LOVES to party and I honestly do not mind that he goes out, but its eve
- What are things you guys like to do indoors with a special someone?
PISCES. I know you like to stay home alone a lot and daydream. It's adorable. But What are your favorite things to do indoors with someone else? Could be geared toward a romantic or platonic relationship. Also if you are touching on romantically. What are
- Synastry Cross - Relationship potential?
Person 1 - Sun sign A and Venus Sign B
Person 2 - Sun sign B and Venus sign A
Moon conjunction
What do you think about it?
I would interpret it as...
Sun conjunct Venus - I find your personality and way of being beautiful and you
- Jupiter opposite Saturn in the mind houses - Meaning?
Jupiter in Leo - 3rd House (Communication and thinking)
Saturn in Aquarius - 9th House (Publishing, teaching, learning)
I interpret this as a gifted mind and speaking skills that needs to be applied with rigidity in order to share this thoughts using
- What placement/house indicates one's fetishes and sexual fantasies?
my bet is the 8th house of taboos and sexual intimacy but what kind of fetish would each sign/planet represent in this house?
- Saggitarius man pulled away and said he does not want a long distance relationship
I met a saggitarius guy during my summer vacation in July. He is from Sweden, and I am from Denmark (distance is 8 hours away from eachother). He is 29, I am 19 (soon 20) and I am libra.
But yeah, in my vacation we met each other and we only had 3 days
- Do Aquarius go back to exes?
My aqua bf had a LEO ex. She is 7 years older than him. I'm 15 years younger than him.. LOL.. and we all work together. I found out through coworkers that they dated before I met him and I believe it. I asked him, he denied it and said "no babe, she's not
- Pisces sun scorpio moon upset with me
Hey. I had a friend that is no longer talking to me. I'm a libra and I held onto all my issues with her until I sent her a long text. She explained her side and I thought it was resolved. The next day she sends me a long text saying she was having a hard
- Couple dating chart with Libra M/Leo W
What can you gather from these charts as a projected couple?
Sun Leo 4°52'
Moon Capricorn 14°57'
Mercury Cancer 27°33'
Venus Gemini 22°26'
Mars Aries 5°44'
Jupiter Gemini 0°57'
Saturn Sagittarius 26°48'R
Uranus Sagitt
- What I've learned dating the twins
do tell...