October 26, 2017
October 26, 2017 is a Thursday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 1.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On October 26
Topics Created On October 26, 2017
- Ophiuchus Do any of you Sags feel a little watery too? (Nov 29 - Dec 18th)
I was looking through my pullen and my dominant planets are scorp venus/jup sag and my dominant sign is sag at 20% followed by scorpio at 19.4% not to mention I am 31% fire and 29% water in terms of elements.
I have up and down moments with my emotion
- Aqua man got emotional.. what to do next?
Hi all,
So me and my aqua man are doing good. Today was a shock however. I had been giving him a bit space and not texting him as much and not always asking to hangout because I figured he needed some space and time since he wasn't able to make much tim
- Aries Man, seems lost!
I’ve been on and off with my boyfriend for the past 3.5 years. I’m a Pisces and we constantly butt heads. He begs me to go back I do and a month later we’re back at the breakup. This time around he said he was done, he was moving on. So we separated it’s
- When Your Sleep Pattern is All Effed Up
took a nap after work,
woke up, worked some more on work comp
Did late night laundry
turned on news, topics' everybody regrets voting for Trump- like duh
ate some stale plantain chips from TJmaxx
Blocked some more numbers in my contacts
I just need
- Birthday Scorpiohoes
Happy birthday to 2 of my favourite Scorpihoes
Shit-stirring @nikkistar
and Mr Beluga @Getmisted!
- New in the forum..
Great day guys..I'm Josefina,
I can't find the introduction thread so I decided to move over here. I've been curious at the same time interested in reading numbers. Hoping to learn and understand more about number reading.
- Birthday expectations?
What is yours from your significant other? Are you happy with nothing?Just a card? Are you upset if its a late prezzie? Do you want the full shabang, surprise party, cake, out to dinner, gift?
What's your needs/wants for your bday?
- I couldn't do the relationship with the Aquarian lady.
Not asking questions, nor ranting, but listlessly babbling from the top of my head about what I feel a yearning to get out of my mind.
I couldn't stay with the Aquarian lady - it just didn't feel right. She, (henceforth referred to as "L") has a good m
- Is the synastry chart the one that shows why the person is in your life? the reason behind it?
Or there are another charts or analysis for this matter?
In what house the sun of the person falls in your chart?
- Does Aries find it amusing to be contradictory?
Disclaimer: Just from my general observant point of view. I have no feelings in this I just find it interesting.
So I noticed with my Aries that he is very generous, kind, fun and can be quite outgoing most of the time. We socialise with friends, go pl
- Aqua , how do you deal with stress?
And what cheers you up? Space? lol... I mean from your friends n love interested. Do u normally withdraw deal with your own stuff? Do you ever ask for help? Do you want someone to listen? Do you like being asked how you are ? Etc? What do you appreciate?
- 12th housers topic
Heyyy to all of you 12th housers out there!!
I open this topic so that we can connect and share our experiences of 12th house placements.
I have my moon , mercury and mars in my 12th house all in capricorn.
I have to admit i dropped off astrology in
- How each sign handle stress. Pretty true for me!
- Does planetary alignments also affect moon signs?
Yesterday the Sun and Jupiter aligned in Taurus's relationship sector until November 18th (I think...?) - Is this true for Taurus Moon signs too?
- What is the limit of a jealously act?
How far your partner need to go to trigger your jealously?
What is your Venus?
- I ended the relationship even though I still love her. I think she maybe over it now.
I broke up with her. After she left it immediately hit me what I had done. I messaged her 4 times in 24 hrs (still venting). She ignored 3 of my messages. She responded to my 4th message the next day saying she loves me but that I need counseling. I respo
- Buried alive
Why will someone has this recurring dream?
- how to take care of a cancer woman properly when you're in a relationship?
never been in a relationship before (she's the 1st one i have) i would like to know from you cancer ladies how would you like your parters to be like? like what's your ideal partner? (i just want to get ideas, so that i have an idea. i will ask my cancer
- Can someone help me to understand what is going on in his Aquarian mind?
Appreciate any Aquas who can give me some understanding of this because I am so confused by this guy I don't know whether he is just a manipulative person or whether I am not understanding him correctly. I am a Scorpio sun / Scorpio Venus / Mars Leo. He
- So I'm pretty sure my boss has a crush on me
He makes goo goo eyes at me and when my phone gets a text he watches it like a hawk. Are Pisces men jealous?
- ARIES MAN What’s your opinion about Gemini Woman?
What do you think about Gemini woman or why did you have trouble with them? What should they do and not do in order to keep you chasing? And what should they do to show that they like you, but still keep you interested?
- virgo gal and leo guy ???
not a typical virgo gal...but fluctuating nature of leo guy is super confusing :( any idea
- Question for Fellow Fish
Hey you all, question for you (yes this happened and yes I have taken action, I want to know how you would respond):
An ex-lover of yours left you because of long distance (and what you think would be foul play involved too) comes back into your life a
- Things you hate about working in hospitality!
I actually love working in hospitality believe it or not but I am only human and there are things I need to get off my chest....
I hate it when customers come in and move furniture around like pushing tables together really upsets me especially if they
- Triple Sag, what does it mean?
Hi there, newbie here. What does 3/5 Sag mean if anything?
Sun Sagittarius
Moon Libra
Mercury Sagittarius
Venus Scorpio
Mars Sagittarius