October 28, 2017
October 28, 2017 is a Saturday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 3.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On October 28
Topics Created On October 28, 2017
- Cancer man got jealous and left . . . but texted 10 days later to breakup. A good sign?
He is 3rd Cancer Decan
Ruler & Subruler: Moon-Neptune
Cancer Sun
Venus in Cancer
Mars in Scorpio
Moon in Taurus
I am 2nd Pisces Decan
Ruler & Subruler: Neptune-Moon
Pisces Sun
Venus in Aries
Mars in Aquarius
- Prayer to the Blessed Mother
Oh, most beautiful flower of Mount Carmel, fruitful vine, splendor of Heaven.
Oh, Blessed Mother of the Son of God; Immaculate Virgin, assist me in my necessity.
Oh, Star of the Sea, help me and show me you are my Mother.
Oh, Holy Mary, Mother of God,
- The Greatest Fan of Her Life
I'm a Libra and I just ended things with my Aries girl. We're both in college but I just can't take on a girlfriend right now. I also have some things I should work on with myself..
She was good to me and I was good to her. I initiated the breakup and
- The Greatest Fan of Her Life
I'm a Libra and I just ended things with my Aries girl. We're both in college but I just can't take on a girlfriend right now. I also have some things I should work on with myself..
She was good to me and I was good to her. I initiated the breakup and
- The Greatest Fan of Her Life
I'm a Libra and I just ended things with my Aries girl. We're both in college but I just can't take on a girlfriend right now. I also have some things I should work on with myself..
She was good to me and I was good to her. I initiated the breakup and
- terraminelightvoid appreciation thread
i like the guy
- Leo woman vs Aries man
Okay, there are too many common features and similarities among these two. They easily attract the attention of the opposite sex; they have no problem and don't feel shy at all to easily mix and mingle with others and make friends with all including those
- Tx, you still here?
- Capricorn with a lot of air?
I think that saying about us Cappy's and us aging backwards maybe true. Though I've felt as I've gotten older I've gotten a bit more airy. And that my mind has significantly expanded heavily. Also seeing I've been bringing quite a few of those of the air
- Recurrent patterns in the pre-Birthday period
For context: Male, 29 October 1991, Brazil
Over the last 3 years I've noticed a pattern that happens on the last week before my birthday (a period that in Portuguese is called "astral hell"). Even though I tend to be somewhat skeptical towards astrolog
- Hey taureans. Rough week? I think she's good
https://youtu.be/paWkmt2QRR4 Thoughts?
- A Universal Religion
Is it possible?
I'm Catholic but I have some reservations. I've been reading the bible since the start of the year but I don't like Jesus' statements about pharisees and people who do not believe him. I was thinking, if you really intend to save the wo
- How do I win back my Pisces Man
We have a lot of history and it got pretty brutal about two weeks ago.
He’s 48, with a Taurus Moon and has Blocked me on everything.
I emailed him 2 days ago to which he responded that he was done and didn’t want to talk
I have done everything
- who's running the DXP Misc SHOW?
It's just so dumb tobtell people who's post you don't like to leave the thread.
How don't you understand THAT?
You show your srupid side. You can't MAKE anybody to leave the thread!
You don't OWN this forum.
So just STFU and keep posting or dele
- Scorpios Mars in Sag
I am reading every aspect of a Scorpio and so far everything is right on money except Mars in Sag.
Nothing that is written is correct.
Several websites are totally off.
Can you recommend which site is to use for that particular placement.
And wh
- Vent thread
This is the first time im doing this so i dont know where to put it,this fcking Virgo man with scorp moon mercury in leo,has the spotlight and honestly i dont give a damn about it as i dont like competing he even has my old position as president in our or
- Just found out my Aqua has been on a dating site since August
And that's the end of that.
- Libra Sex Drive
I'm newly single. Even though I wanted to calm down for a bit my **** has a mind of its own. I want to **** every fine piece of ass I see. I don't wanna lead anyone on though...
- Scorpio quotes
Tell me not to do it and I'll do it twice and take a pictures!
- Movie with the Best Sex / Love Scene(s)?
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